Looking for Designer - Resotration of wooden launches

Discussion in 'Services & Employment' started by Archive, Jun 12, 2001.

  1. Archive
    Joined: Jun 2001
    Posts: 169
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    Archive Senior Member

    I operate a boat cruise company on the Zambezi River based in Livingstone, Zambia. I am looking for a boat designer that specializes in replicas of old fashioned wooden launches. Could you help to put me in touch with anyone that does this type of work? Thank you very much.
  2. Archive
    Joined: Jun 2001
    Posts: 169
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    Archive Senior Member

    Hi. I operate a design office - Mason Marine Designs Inc. - that speccializes in small craft. I have a passion for small wooden craft and have worked with several museums in documenting or replicating their traditional wooden craft. I would be pleased to discuss your boat needs with you. Contact be at my e-mail address - mmason@tallships.ca - Michael Mason, CET
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