Looking for custom power catamaran boat builder

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by Nathan Hill, Mar 26, 2024.

  1. Nathan Hill
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    Nathan Hill New Member

    I recently purchased a custom-built power catamaran. I was given the specs to the boat as well as a couple more similar boats. I want to find someone who would be able to build the boats for me. I'm fairly new at all of this and don't even know what questions to ask.
    Any help one can give on where to start would be much appreciated.
  2. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    Welcome to the Forum Nathan.

    An obvious question perhaps - who built your power cat? Are they still in business? If they are, are they not interested in building any more cats?

    How many cats do you want to build? Are you looking to set up a boat charter business w1ith a fleet of cats?

    Can you post some details of your cat please, such as specifications (size, weight, power etc) and some photos?
  3. Nathan Hill
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    Nathan Hill New Member

    Thanks for the reply. G-Cat, the company that built the original boat is no longer in business. Hull #1 is a prototype.
    Original specs:
    Powered by twin 90hp outboards, 400 gal of fuel, AC Cabin with galley, upper and lower helm. There are four solo bunks in the forward and aft sections of each hull, and a head in the port side.
    Fuel: 4.5 mpg at 18 mph cruise; 1800 mi range. 17K pounds

    I purchased the vessel in February and she will be running charters in Destin, Florida this season
    We just put two new 140hp Suzuki engines on it. We named her the Lady Delana, after my wife.

    I currently have a small charter business and looking to expand.
    My goal is to start with two or three cats and eventually more.
    IMG_4192.jpeg Cover CILA.png IMG_0050.JPEG IMG_4192.jpeg Cover CILA.png IMG_0050.JPEG
  4. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    Lady Delana does look very fine indeed - and 4.5 mpg at 18 mph is pretty good going!
    Re how she will be doing charters in Destin, will this be as a bareboat, for say 4 or 5 people to live on board and cruise for a week or so, or will it be crewed charter, perhaps doing day trips?
    Are the hulls air conditioned as well as the deckhouse?

    Re a possible builder, you could perhaps try Gold Coast Yachts in St Croix, USVI - they have built similar vessels in the past.
    Gold Coast Yachts Custom Boat Builder – Power Catamarans https://www.goldcoastyachts-archives.com/Commercial-Power/CP-index.htm

    I was going to suggest Aventura Boats Models - Aventura Boats https://aventuraboats.com/models/
    They are in the Dominican Republic, but then I cottoned on that if you operate as a charter boat you will have to conform with the Jones Act, which basically says that all commercial craft working in the USA have to be built in the USA - I think that the USVI are part of the USA in terms of the Jones Act.
    BlueBell likes this.
  5. Steve W
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    Steve W Senior Member

    Nathan, I have a mold which would drastically reduce the build process. You can contact me at smworsfold@msn.com. I could not find any way to pm you.
  6. fpjeepy05
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    fpjeepy05 Senior Member

    I was also going to recommend Aventura, but charter would be an issue because of the Jones Act. You could apply for a waiver, but the boat would have to be 3+ years old and meet other requirements. Additionally, last I knew Luc was busy enough doing builds for the DR and he didn't want to build boats for export because he gets taxed more.
    bajansailor likes this.
  7. fallguy
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    fallguy Boat Builder

    You can check and see if David Halliday has any interest. He is BoatSmith https://www.boatsmithfl.com/

    You might need to lease a shop space for him, so you can’t do this project on the cheap.
  8. willy13
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    willy13 Senior Member

    Its a shame Gemini also went out of business (correct me if i'm wrong), as they built a charter power catamaran, the Gemini Freestyle 399. I wonder what happens to the molds.
  9. Willl
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    Willl New Member

    Congrats on the beautiful boat! I had seen the listing online while it was still for sale. How much did you end up getting it for? It is such a unique looking boat that it is a shame they didn't make more of them!
  10. Eric Zhu
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    Eric Zhu Junior Member

    contact us , we can do something for you
    email: zhuwj@sinostsc.com
    whastapp :+8615165209832
    company named : shandong taibang shipbuilding co.,ltd

  11. brian eiland
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    brian eiland Senior Member

    How long did you say she was? There are hints that she might have been created out of a Stiletto catamaran hulls?
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