looking for an educational ship model with mechanical systems

Discussion in 'Software' started by Dan Abbott, Jul 9, 2020.

  1. Dan Abbott
    Joined: Jul 2020
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    Dan Abbott New Member

    I teach at Southern Maine Community College. We are redesigning our Marine Design certificate, which we offer in partnership with Bath Iron Works, and I am looking for a sample 3D model of a complete ship, including the structural and mechanical systems, that we can use in analyzing and developing design skills in three of our courses. We were hoping for a military ship, but those designs that are no longer classified were never modeled in CAD.

    Do any of you have a sample model that is available for educational use that includes the structure and mechanical systems of a ship? We have SolidWorks, Inventor, and ShipConstructor software, and hope to find something done in SolidWorks.

    I appreciate any help you can provide.

    Dan Abbott
  2. pafurijaz
    Joined: Dec 2016
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    pafurijaz Senior Member

    I think is hard finding something complete in only one software, and even with Solidworks, not all the development of ship is completed trough one software and for something such complex as a ship, many parts are developed with different software, and the most used software in high end deign are NX Siemens CATIA or Cadmatic or even Autocad, and these complete projects are very big over hundreds megabyte or so over gigabyte frequently. You can find easily something good but incomplete in GrabCAD site.
  3. Dan Abbott
    Joined: Jul 2020
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    Dan Abbott New Member

    Thank you for your response.
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