Looking for a plan of US Navy YTL 45ft tug or similar small tugs

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by speed50, Jul 2, 2014.

  1. speed50
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    speed50 Junior Member

    Hello there, I am planning to build a small tug boat model. I would like to base the model on the US Navy YTL 45 ft tug (or the Army ST 45ft tug). The display model I plan to build is a small one, less than 10 inches. Therefore a medium size plan with hull section drawings would be good enough for the project. I know there is a 1/32 plan for sale on the internet but it is the way too big and too expensive for me. A good quality scanned plan would be adequate.

    In addition to this cute tug boat, I am also interested in other small tug boats with a length less than 50ft and being used during WWII up to present. One tug in my mind is a Hamburg tug boat SCHLEPPKO 3. According to information I found online, its length is 16.5m so I could slightly reduce its length to fit my project. But because it is a German boat, it is more difficult to find its plan online.

    Could anyone shed lights on where I can find workable plans of these tug boats?

    I would be very grateful if anyone could help. Thank you in advance. :)

    Here are the pictures of the US Army ST 45ft tug (corrected based on info from a fellow forum member) and the Hamburg tug

    Last edited: Jul 5, 2014
  2. fredrosse
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    Look on thesteamboatingforum.net lines for a nice WWI era British Tugboat
  3. speed50
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    speed50 Junior Member

    Hi fredrosse, thank you for the link. Old steam vessels have their unique charm.:)
  4. DCockey
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  5. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    Using information gathered on the web, I have obtained hull lines plane shown in the attached pdf file. If anyone is interested, I have the file in dwg format.

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  6. speed50
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  7. speed50
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    speed50 Junior Member

    Hi TANSL,

    The line file you posted would be a quite useful reference. Thanks. Did you use AutoCAD to construct the boat? I will use Pro/E and try draw the hull lines myself. :)
  8. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    Yes, I use AutoCAD. I make models for naval architecture calculations with AutoCAD, as this application, along with my ARQN software, allows me to faithfully reproduce the hull I want to study. In existing vessels, is the most accurate way I know to recreate the hull with sufficient accuracy. Another thing is to create a model for marketing purposes. That Rhino is very good.
  9. speed50
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    speed50 Junior Member

    I've seen people constructing boat model with Rhino. The results look great. I use Pro/E. It is not easy to make a smooth hull with Pro/E so a lot of effort and pateince needs to be invested in the modelling work. But personally I enjoy the process. I am a modeller not an engineer so if the model is visually accurate and looking good, it is fine. But I always obtain an authentic plan before I start modelling.
  10. speed50
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    speed50 Junior Member

    After a couple of months I can show you the 3D model of the 45ft tugboat, based on the original 1951 profile and drawings provided by a fellow modeller of this forum. :)

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    Last edited: Nov 20, 2014
  11. DCockey
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    DCockey Participant

    Thanks for the follow-up post.

  12. speed50
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    speed50 Junior Member

    I also find several sources for German tugs.

    This is a newly published book - Schlepper im Hamburger Hafen - Band 2. Google it in Google Book you can find the preview of the book with many pages available for readers to view. It is an excellent reference book. My German tug project uses some profiles of Hamburg tugs from this book.

    Anyone knows if the Band 1 is available to view somewhere online?

    Detailed information about German tugs and tug companies. With photos and data.

    Another similar site for German tugs and Swedish tugs.

    I am working on a German tug model. The prototypes of the tug are several tugs used in the port of Hamburg. I took the main features of these tugs to create a typical 50ft Hamburg tug. The following picture is the one I created for studying the boats - mainly getting the measurements of different parts. All boats are in the same scale.

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    Last edited: Nov 19, 2014
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