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Complete Fiberglass Yacht Molds For Sale

Discussion in 'Boat Molds' started by Bartonman, Sep 20, 2011.

  1. Bartonman
    Joined: Sep 2011
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    Bartonman New Member

    I am selling two complete Yacht mold sets to the best offer. One mold is for a 47' Sport Fishing vessel, the other is a 66' Sport Fishing yacht. The 66 foot yacht mold can be made into a 63 foot vessel with an included special adaptor to the mold. Engineering documents for a 73 foot Yacht will also be provided as part of this sale. These are Hines Farley award winning designs. This sale includes all drawings, engineering documents, CAD files, all fiberglass molds, wood interior patterns, construction procedures, mold dollies, A-frame crane, & scaffolding. This is the entire package to build these beautiful vessels. The Builder Sunny Hines has retired and wishes the design to carry on with the same passion he gave for the past 40 years of boat building. If you are interested in this once in a lifetime opportunity, please email me at bartonman@gmail.com or call 757-639-9998.

    Attached Files:

    • hf1.jpg
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  2. nrg
    Joined: Sep 2011
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    nrg Junior Member

    God speed Sunny, keep the heavy side down. Oh and thanks for the fish.
  3. Bartonman
    Joined: Sep 2011
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    Bartonman New Member


    I will pass your message on to Sonny.

  4. Bartonman
    Joined: Sep 2011
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    Bartonman New Member

    Additional information on the Sport Fishing Yacht Molds

    Here are some Photos and documents for the Mold systems being offered for sale.

    Attached Files:

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