Lloyds register (UK) rules free

Discussion in 'Class Societies' started by MikeJohns, Nov 12, 2010.

  1. ekamarine
    Joined: Nov 2008
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    ekamarine Junior Member

    Thank you very much for sharing but unfortunately the link is now broken
  2. MikeJohns
    Joined: Aug 2004
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    MikeJohns Senior Member

    There have been some website changes.
    Set up an account with their web store. Then you can download the rules for free and you'll receive emails about updates.

    Any further queries just contact them directly.
  3. ekamarine
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    ekamarine Junior Member

    Thank you for explanation.
  4. powerabout
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    powerabout Senior Member

    I just wondered about AMSA recognising all the class societies when a boat arrives and the union says it doesnt meet our building regs so no crew living on that!
    The one that I agree with them is Offshore vessels that DO not have any make up air con so the accommodation is low pressure due to sanitary and galley exhausts.
    How could you build a building like that, wouldnt be legal in any country I would guess?
    sorry for the hijack
  5. daiquiri
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  6. peter radclyffe
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    peter radclyffe Senior Member

  7. gioro
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    gioro Naval Architect

    Thanks Mike
  8. masfathul
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    masfathul New Member

    Dear Sir

    I want to get a copy of Lloyds register (UK) rules free (Multi-page thread 1 2), how?

    Thanks for the help

    I respectfully
  9. masfathul
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    masfathul New Member

    copy of Lloyds register (UK) rules free

    Dear Sir

    I want to get a copy of Lloyds register (UK) rules free (Multi-page thread 1 2), how?

    Thanks for the help

    I respectfully

  10. taniwha
    Joined: Sep 2003
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    taniwha Senior Member

    Nice if you are building a ship but useless for a recreational vessel as I am not going to apply ship rules to a small yacht. ISO is applicable for the entire world except the US who uses ABYC. Lloyd's also uses ISO for their recreational class division.
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