Little America's Cup UK 2013

Discussion in 'Multihulls' started by Doug Lord, May 8, 2011.

  1. Gary Baigent
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    Gary Baigent Senior Member

    Yes, nothing is really new - I enjoy pointing out plus ca change too. However the less disturbed air flow (no rigs, headsails in front of the ducts) over a slim cat may actually work better than the messy disturbed air on a VJ or the too low position on a sailboard. The higher speed would also help.
  2. Corley
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    Corley epoxy coated

    HYDROS team have put up a photo of their new wing for the C Class built by Decision shipyard.

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  3. Gary Baigent
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    Gary Baigent Senior Member

    Damn, why can't I build like that? Has to be so light. Any figures?
  4. Corley
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    Corley epoxy coated

    Must be a trade secret as there are no figures on their site but it must be light.
  5. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    Lac 2013

    From the front page of SA-design by Tony Castro-Portuguese challenger for the Little America's Cup:

    Team Cascais- click

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  6. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

  7. Corley
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    Corley epoxy coated

  8. tomas
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    tomas Senior Member

  9. Corley
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    Corley epoxy coated

  10. P Flados
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    P Flados Senior Member

  11. tomas
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    tomas Senior Member

    Thanks guys.

    $$$ This is not something for the backyard builder. $$$

    "Lightweight plies cannot be ‘hand laminated’ due to their fragile nature. A ‘plotter’ (automated tape laying machine) is used to build up multi-ply ‘complexes’ which are then transferred to a mould for consolidation and cure. Use of the plotter and its associated design software results in much higher levels of ply positional accuracy than was previously possible."

  12. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    Lac 2013

    Here is a spectacular video of the Nacra F20c being used as a test boat the the development of the Hydros LAC challenger. Probably doesn't necessarily mean their C Class will use the same 3 foil configuration pioneered by TNZ: ( watch out for the sound!)
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2013
  13. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    LAC 2013--Foil Tech

    It's looking like foils may play a big role in this LAC with the Hydros development and the Canadian development(using two foils one with a lot of curve and one with a smaller curve-in each hull.)
    So, if you find any articles, pictures etc that discusses foils and foiling relative to the magnificent C Class boats, please post it here.
    Below, is the article by Steve Killing, designer of the last winner and the new Canadian boat discussing what the problems were with "...Rocker".
    Facebook page for the LAC--

    Below are three pictures of the Canadian boat-click on the picture and look carefully and you can see the two foils in each hull:

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  14. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    Hydros-Swiss C Class project

    Very interesting article here on Hydro's putting the flying foils on their C Class. ( ) :

    "Bastiaan Tentij has been a top performer F18 sailor for more than 6 years now, countless regattas won in the F18 and too many close wins on world titles along and his partner Mischa Heemskerk. Beyond continue racing F18 Bastiaan had the chance to work this year in one of the most interesting projects in the sailing scene these days, the Hydros Project. They will participate in the C-Class LACup with a foiling C, just like Frank Cammas is aiming to do , marking a milestone in the Class and following the path of the Big ACup AC72s.
    Last week Bastiaan they published a Nacra F20c flying video going 30knots, and today he will merge those foils on the C-Class."
    Defender-Canada-Fred Eaton-may go for full flying?
    1-France-Challenge France-foils?
    2-France-Groupama(Cammas-Flying Phantom foil tech-see Phantom video below)
    3-UK- Team Invictus-foils?
    4-Italy-Challenge Italia-foils?
    5-Portugal-Team Cascais-foils?
    6-Switzerland-Team Hydros- full flying-see Nacra 20 video above
    7-USA-Steve Clark-foils?

  15. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    Team France-Groupama

    Here is video of the test boat for the Groupama challenge-a very modified F18 going very fast. First small cat I am aware of using the AC three foil configuration(The Nacra of Team Hydros is next) Note that speed as a multiple of wind speed appears to be equal to or better than a Moth which is really extraordinary:
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