Lindsay Lord

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by TollyWally, Mar 16, 2010.

  1. TollyWally
    Joined: Mar 2005
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    TollyWally Senior Member

    I aquired a copy of Lord's "Naval Architecture of Planing Hulls" 1954 edition. I've read it a time or two but now I am bearing down and studying it hard. I understand some of his thinking has been superceded. I would appreciate any input regarding what to take as gospel and what to take with a grain of salt.
  2. Tad
    Joined: Mar 2002
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    Tad Boat Designer

    The pro's and con's of the book have been discussed on this site numerous times.....Did you do a search?
  3. TollyWally
    Joined: Mar 2005
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    TollyWally Senior Member

    Thanks Tad, sounds like I shouild. I've seen him mentioned from time to time but nothing too in depth. Obviously I've missed it. I will do some dilegent searching before asking more questions.
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