Like to think out of the box? Want to build multihull tiny houseboat and get input.

Discussion in 'Fiberglass and Composite Boat Building' started by ratherbeboating, Jul 9, 2018.


Electric powerplant, inboard VS outboard or Dino petro powerplant?

  1. Electric inboard

    0 vote(s)
  2. Electric outboard

    0 vote(s)
  3. Dino petro inboard

    0 vote(s)
  4. Dino petro outboard

    0 vote(s)
  1. ratherbeboating
    Joined: Jul 2018
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    ratherbeboating Junior Member

    Hi I just signed into your world of boating geek designers and I have been around boating all my life and have owned all different types of boats and our love is pontoons for there roominess and stability and we also have full enclosures to stay aboard since there are no greater million dollar views then being on the water and staying aboard for the night and watching the sunrises and sunsets on the water. I would like to have a mini version of the Mothership Marine Mothership Marine Lets say a modern day tiny house for the water, but like to make it up to 28' length and up to 10' beam size so can fit in most marina slips without being oversized depending on the marina, scrap the upper deck and solar panel the roof. Thinking of a foam sheet and fiberglass hulls construction to keep building easy and not require a mold, would like it to have electric EV propulsion with hybrid solar / backup / combo / battery and know that we are at a turning point that make it a possibility today and it is the future of boating power-plants. This past weekend pontooning on our party barge I could hear the water turbulence and the engine at the stern and thinking there has to be a better way. The boating industry is controlled by bean counters and we need to be thinking like Elon Musk (TESLA) and come up with a better boat designs. I am thinking powercat with great hydrodynamics that slice through the water with minimal effort and give a stable platform, how to use electric propulsion for thrust and maneuvering, maximum efficiency, using solar / wind and hybrid backup power, as far as speed max 15 mph, most people that list faster speeds never go that fast and the faster you go just kills efficiency. keep it strong and lite yet livable and not gaudy. Make it affordable so it can be built and not just a drawing sketch or Photoshop video / picture. Main use inland lakes and waterways, yet make it a possible boat to do "AMERICAS GREAT LOOP", mostly used by two adults extended stay, but can carry up to two more couples or kids comfortable. Most boats are used by couples and it is all the manpower aboard a boat and to have too big of a boat could spell disaster when docking or weather getting bad to handle. I know this is not for everyone but know there are others with the same wishes I have. If anyone knows of someone just making hulls from the gunnels down of what I am looking for I would like to hear. Please let me know your thoughts. Also on feedback on EV power, inboard VS outboard, also thoughts on thrusters, even thoughts on powering all 4 corners and possible remote control. I know the limitation will be $$$$$ but also know thinking together there are economical ways that we haven't thought of. Maybe there is already the perfect boat out there, Let me know if there is? Keith in Colorado Springs aka ratherbeboating. I am a fabricator of plastic and sell and repair plastics so have some skills to try to pull this endeavor off. Have a great day
  2. JamesG123
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    JamesG123 Senior Member

    Paragraphs are your friend.

    I like electric, but they still can't beat the power density of petro. Even with state o' the art battery and motor tech, you have to compromise somewhere, either in power output or in charging times. Solar arrays can't charge faster than anything but trolling speeds, are dependant on weather, and most places on the water don't have charging stations for plugging into the grid. so you can't be in a hurry. There is not free lunch.
    SamSam likes this.
  3. ratherbeboating
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    ratherbeboating Junior Member

    I guess just like trying to downsize a houseboat to a tiny house and save space. I always thought doing paragraphs was just a waste of paper. The only advantage was back in school when I had to hand in a report that was so many pages long then it went something like this.
  4. JamesG123
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    JamesG123 Senior Member

    Your teachers must have loved you.

    Making people you are soliciting advice/help from, slog thru a wall of text is not conducive to their taking the time and eye strain doing so.
    SamSam likes this.
  5. ratherbeboating
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    ratherbeboating Junior Member

    I agree for the present moment on range, as far as power electric has petro beat hands down, I also said 10 years ago that electric was the future and people laughed and said as far as the extension cord will go. Two weeks ago VW just set a overall speed time record at the Pikes Peak International Hill Climb and in Denver there is a airplane manufacturer that is doing very well. I also said hybrid so think Prius. Not fast but range. For a 28' to cruise lets say 10 mph. all day long is doable and earlier seen a link of another boat that is doing it but a larger scale and I want to do it in the 28' range.
  6. ratherbeboating
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    ratherbeboating Junior Member

    I think there word love was something else. Sorry for straining the eyes, seeing if your staying awake reading? Do you have any suggestions to my boating desires?
  7. JamesG123
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    JamesG123 Senior Member

    No. Its do able, I'm sure its already been done. The only question is if you'd be satisfied with it. You ought to be posting this on some of the solar and epower forums, because you really have a solar power engineering problem to solve that just happens to be going into a boat.
  8. fallguy
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    fallguy Boat Builder

    Nope. Solar power is great for all the devices. Not for the engines.

    The demands too high.
    The sun too uncertain.

    For all the other stuff a 2-6 battery bank.


    But today, the batteries you want are toooo $$$$ and then $$$$$.

  9. ratherbeboating
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    ratherbeboating Junior Member

    I do thank everyone for there input and know we will come up with a solution. Maybe not today, but have to plant the seed for tomorrow. I know we will have electric motors powering our boats. Look at a diesel locomotive train and what it can pull converting to electric to pull over 100 loaded cars down the tracks.
    The weak link is storage. Look at if we make a super lightweight hull that is super efficient and then power is greatly reduced.
    We must think differently. Look at a Saturn rocket to launch a payload years ago and today SPACE-X is doing more payload with a much smaller rocket today. We have to start thinking different with a clean drawing without costing a ton of money. This is not the government.
    Two weeks ago I met with Romin Dumas (nice guy, he even gave me a book on the car) before he set a record at PPIHC doing 0-60 in 2 seconds in a VW electric car. Yep faster then any Dino fueled car or bike ever made it to the top. here is a video and no the car is quiet, they took the inside audio and played for the video
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