Liferaft Certificates

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by Biggar1, Aug 20, 2024.

  1. Biggar1
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    Biggar1 Junior Member

    Hi guys,

    I have a liferaft on a 3 year hire for my small UK passenger ferry, (10 passengers). The hire company, who shall remain nameless, out of the blue sent me a new service certificate and service due date sticker for the liferaft and asked me to remove the old service sticker and replace it with the new one. They also suplied an external CAT C first aid kit as they said that the one inside the liferaft had expired, hence the reason for the new service date. The new certificate had a new service due date and number, a new first aid kit and serial number, that stated it was inside the liferaft.

    As a marine Professional, to me this is falsifying records, I contacted my insurance company for their advice and they agreed with me. I refused to carry the liferaft on my vessel and made other arrangements.

    The hire company said to me that this was common practice, and in any case, we only operate in sheltered waters so we should be OK, and that we could put the first aid kit in a grab bag.

    In light of the recent tragic accident in Sicily of the Bayesian, with no time to react in an emergency situation, this sort of attitude should not in my opinion be allowed to happen.

    Falsifying safety records is an illegal offence in the UK.

    MGN499 Does allow an extended service, but the liferaft must have a visual inspection by a qualified person, which has not happened.

    What are peoples thoughts.
  2. skaraborgcraft
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    skaraborgcraft Senior Member

    Not acceptable. Vital safety equipment. The axe would fall on the Masters head, not on the liferaft provider.
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  3. Biggar1
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    Biggar1 Junior Member

    Hi Skaraborgcraft,

    I totally agree, the buck stops with the master of the vessel whilst at sea, however outside parties would also be liable/culpable should any accidents occur. It also makes you wonder on any previous safety/ service inspections.
  4. skaraborgcraft
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    skaraborgcraft Senior Member

    Im not familiar with the details of the UK MCA, but assume a passenger ferry has inspections, and if you are the owner/operator, then you become liable for compliance.

    Not inspecting a liferaft in compliance with the manufacturers time spec, is most likely on the obligation of the company hiring such rafts. Check the small print, they may claim you can have this done at a nearby service centre, usually at their cost. I believe it was more common to exchange "new for old" on expiry. I would not do buisness with a company willing to cut corners.
    Biggar1 and Tomsboatshed like this.
  5. Ad Hoc
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    Ad Hoc Naval Architect

    Correct on all counts.

    However.....the ONLY proviso, is that the cert, is real!
    But how do you know?

    So, look at the cert, it should give the name and date that the cert was issued and where, and also, they key element, was the liferaft inspected and by whom?

    Since, it is possible that the liferaft and its features were inspected by an MCA surveyor (who signed the cert), who then later issued the cert.
    The cert you have now been sent. You should be able to then see which surveyor and when.....then you should contact said surveyor, for confirmation.
    That would really put the cats amongst the pigeons then :D see how "honest" the hire company is!!

    But, even if this were the case, it is not usual practice at all....since the vessel, as supplied must have all correct and up to date MCA approved certs before being rented out.
    Biggar1 likes this.
  6. Biggar1
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    Biggar1 Junior Member

    Hi Adhoc,
    The liferaft was fitted on my boat and was never inspected. The previous service certificate was due to expire before the end of the 3 year hire period, they simply issued another certificate without any inspection, with a new inspection report number.
  7. Ad Hoc
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    Ad Hoc Naval Architect

    Yup..that settles it...fraud!
    I would report the hire company to the MCA.
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  8. skaraborgcraft
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    skaraborgcraft Senior Member

    Agree with the above. Plain and simple fraud. A company that potentially risks lives to save money, should not be in buisness.
    I would offer the hire company another chance to inspect the raft or exchange it, but if they again try to say it is not necessary, a report to the MCA is the only option. How many other "out of date" rafts could be out there, what if one was on the "Baysian" last week and it failed to inflate?
    I cant even imagine there is anything written in their small print that would allow them to do anything not inline with the manufacturers service intervals. If I recall, there was a difference in service inspections between rafts kept in hard deck valise, and those soft stored in a locker, but due dates are due dates, and this sounds like a very clear breach in those defined services. Not good enough.
    Biggar1 likes this.
  9. Biggar1
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    Biggar1 Junior Member

    Apparently I'm the only person to complain, so as you say there must be more. There are new guidlines that have just come out this week under MGN553 for UK MCA liferafts, much inline with the prevous MGN, still listed as an illegal offence.

    MGN 553 Amendment 1(M+F) Inflatable Non-SOLAS Liferafts and life-saving appliances

  10. skaraborgcraft
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    skaraborgcraft Senior Member

    The usual response when someone wants to shut down a flood of complaints.
    The raft should have had an inspection, it has not, yet they sent you a signed certification, which is false.
    As you have made alternative equipment supplies, I would not hesitate to inform MCA. You should be able to withdraw from your hire contract without penalty, based on their own breach of contract by not adhering to legally binding legislation. (im not a lawyer)
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