Lifeline resting against upper shrouds

Discussion in 'Sailboats' started by NV5L, Feb 10, 2011.

  1. NV5L
    Joined: Feb 2011
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    NV5L Junior Member

    My lifelines rest against my upper shrouds, with the nearest stanchions 7' fore and aft. This arrangement makes it easy to keep them nice and tight, but it also causes them to rest further inboard and rid up the shroud a bit, though netting helps. The shroud pushes the lifeline out about 7 to 8 inches.

    I'm planning to replace the lifelines and a couple stanchion bases and was considering adding another stanchion near the shrouds. However, since it will be at the outside of the curve and would be under a lot of stress all the time, I'm not sure if this is a good idea.

    Any advice/experiences would be appreciated.

  2. PAR
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    You can build up the area under the fore and aft stanchion bases with a slightly ramped "bonded" pad. I'd just cock them outboard a degree or two, which would hardly be noticeable and would permit the lifeline to lie naturally, instead of against the cap shroud.

    You could also do the same thing with shims or washers under the stanchion bases, though I think the very slight, well faired ramped areas under the bases would be a neater and cleaner look.
  3. michael pierzga
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    michael pierzga Senior Member

    The rules state that stanchions must be placed no more than 2.20 meters or 86 inches apart. It sounds like your mid ship stanchions are 14 ft apart ?

    If so, you are missing a stanchion. Install the missing stanchion...the lifeline will then be led farther outboard and you should have no shroud lifeline contact.

    As far as I know rigging....shrouds....may not be used as a life line stanchion.

    These are the generally accepted regulations for small craft seaworthiness.[8164].pdf

  4. NV5L
    Joined: Feb 2011
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    NV5L Junior Member

    Ah, great. My boat was built in 1971, so it probably predated these regulations. Thanks for the link.

    btw, just started reading this, and it's great. thanks again...
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