Lex Nicol designed catamaran mould

Discussion in 'Multihulls' started by Bronwen Clark, Mar 4, 2023.

  1. Bronwen Clark
    Joined: Mar 2023
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    Bronwen Clark New Member

    Hi everyone
    I have a 30ft catamaran mood that was designed by Lex Nicol (Hedley Nicol’s nephew) in the mid 1960s as a gift for my late father.
    Sadly none of us in the next generation inherited the love of multihulls (and especially not sailing ability!).

    My question is this- can it still be out to use? Or has design and technology moved on so much it is now redundant?

    And also - any idea who would like to have it?
    Thanks Bronwen
    Werribee Victoria

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  2. Bronwen Clark
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    Bronwen Clark New Member

    PS sorry for the autocorrected mold in the title!!
  3. oldmulti
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    oldmulti Senior Member

    Bronwen. The mold if in reasonable condition could be very useful to a home builder who may be able to fabricate some hulls from the mold. To give an indication is the inside ditry or are there any cracks or broken bits in there etc. If possible could you do some top down to the inside photos to help people make an assessment. If its in reasonable or recoverable condition I think someone will take it. I hope it doesn't get to this but as a last resort cutting it up and taking it to the tip may be the best way.
  4. Bronwen Clark
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    Bronwen Clark New Member

    Thanks very much for the reply. I will have a closer look at the condition. Cheers
  5. fallguy
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    fallguy Boat Builder

    You are very fortunate to have one of the best resources on the entire planet @oldmulti reply. No joke either.

    I would say the molds have some value if the entire design is somewhere, but absent the design, it would be quite daunting to find anyone interested anywhere in the world, save perhaps Australia.

    If you can find the plans for the boat and the molds are not shot from sun; it is the only practical way I can see any potential interest.

    A 30' cat is a significant investment and not really very often someone with the ability to finance such a boat wants to start off shrouded in total mystery.

    But oldmulti is the best resource for advice if you have any chance of moving them...
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  6. oldmulti
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    oldmulti Senior Member

    Bronwen. A small question, Did your father live in QLD and was involved with multihull yachting in QLD. If it is the same person I am thinking of, I understand the connection of him with the Lex Nicol mould and also I may have an idea what design the hull mould may be associated with. Lets hope the mold in reasonable condition.
    fallguy likes this.
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