Let's Talk USA Materials Prices

Discussion in 'Materials' started by CatBuilder, Dec 15, 2010.

  1. CatBuilder

    CatBuilder Previous Member

    I've been shopping my materials list around and got back a lot of prices. I'd like to use the power of the internet to compare prices on some common items with other people.

    What are the best prices you have got on these materials and who did you get them from?

    Some of my quotes are as follows...

    12mm Okoume BS1088 Plywood: $117/sheet

    System Three General Purpose Epoxy: $2623 for 55 gallon drum
    System Three Hardeners: About the same per gallon

    34oz Triaxial: $3.38/lb

    System Three Silvertip Epoxy: $2364

    How do these prices compare to your supplier? Let's trade info.
  2. hoytedow
    Joined: Sep 2009
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    hoytedow Carbon Based Life Form

    Scrap iron 9.5 cents per lb.
  3. rberrey
    Joined: Oct 2010
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    rberrey Senior Member

    30 gl silver tip for mid 1800s that was with shipping cat, keep in mind if rember corectly silver tip is made in Wa. so you will pay for shipping twice if you buy east coast. My glass shipped from Wa. but was made here in Al. so I paid shipping twice. Address on my glass is v2composites.com 770 lee rd 191 Auburn Al. 36830 ( 334502 3000) more than likely whosale but worth a try. Rember no china glass request American and get apples for apples. rick
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