Let operation lightweight cat commence

Discussion in 'Powerboats' started by Geno67, Jan 3, 2025.

  1. Geno67
    Joined: May 2023
    Posts: 90
    Likes: 35, Points: 18
    Location: Old Florida

    Geno67 Clueless Member

    She's not much to look at at this point. 1975 Power Cat 16. Her hull and trailer are rock solid. Original Chrysler 105 engine condition is unknown but supposedly ran 5 years ago. She tows like brand new. Drug her back from Bluffton, TX while everyone else was celebrating the new year.

    She needs seats, windshield, sole, trailer modification, trailer paint, trailer lights and new(er) - larger engine. I hate the color but her gelcoat is in great shape - buffs right back up to new shine. May redo the gelcoat in the future.

    I had to downsize due to age. Her bare hull weighs 640 lbs compared to the grouper slayer's 1500. If anyone wants a perfect condition 1999 McKee Craft 18'-6" Dual Console, let me know.





    power cat.jpg

    Last edited: Jan 3, 2025
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