Learning Maxsurf

Discussion in 'Education' started by Furkan, Feb 23, 2024.

  1. Furkan
    Joined: Nov 2020
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    Furkan Junior Member

    Hello all,

    You know, there is a software called "Maxsurf" it has many modules and capabilities that enable naval architects to do a lot with. Small scale companies that develop their own designs for boats not only use it but also ask employee candidates to have experience with it.

    So, I'm going to ask you following questions related to it.

    1)How long would it take to learn maxsurf and gain some experience with it on your own?
    2)What are some related topics someone should be familiar with to use maxsurf effectively?
    3)Is there any efficient method or beaten path to follow in order to learn it efficiently?

    I have a naval architecture diploma, yet I did not do anything related to naval architecture for many years.
  2. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

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  3. Pablo Sopelana
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    Pablo Sopelana Senior Member

    Thanks @bajansailor.

    Sorry @Furkan for this late reply.

    Yes, we have an online Maxsurf course divided into three modules. The first one is open for registration. You can learn more information about it here:
    Maxsurf 1 – Navalapp https://navalapp.com/courses/maxsurf-1/

    In this course, the instructor will guide you through modeling two vessels using the Maxsurf modeler: a sharp-bilge Pilot Boat and a Sailing Boat with a round bilge. By the end of the course, you will know how to model hulls from a linesplan, and also have learned how to model details such as appendages, propeller tunnels, bulwarks, cabins, skegs, forecastle decks, and more, how to use modeling techniques and most of the modeling commands, and how to interpret the results obtained and validate your models.

    We are currently working on Maxsurf 2, which we plan to release in the next months. This course will teach you about the Stability and Resistance Maxsurf modules and additional modeling techniques with the Modeler Module.

    If interested, we also offer Maxsurf Academic Licenses to our PRO members. You can learn more about it here:

    If you have any additional questions, do not hesitate to contact the course instructor. You can send him a private message in Navalapp.

    I hope this helps, and looking forward to meeting you in Navalapp!
    bajansailor likes this.
  4. jehardiman
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    jehardiman Senior Member

    When Maxsurf was introduced back in the day there were no remote tutorials, this lead to the two major issues I have seen. Surface Direction and Edge Stitching. Though it has been decades since I used Maxsurf for for anything (we switched to Rhino), make sure you understand those two concepts.

  5. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    Learning to model with Maxsurf Modeler can be interesting, I don't doubt it, but many of us who use Maxsurf have chosen to build the 3D model with other applications, such as Rhino, AutoCAD, etc... to import it into Maxsurf. The Maxsurf Modeler is a headache but the naval architecture calculations are very good (although it is very expensive).
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