LDL Hull Scandinavian Designer

Discussion in 'Powerboats' started by huey 2, May 8, 2024.

  1. huey 2
    Joined: Sep 2014
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    huey 2 New Member

    Im sure it was here at boat design forums that I came across a LDL hull designer from 40 -20 years ago...he was quite the renaissance man writer artsit lover of sealife and lore

    Who is He...??
  2. HJS
    Joined: Nov 2008
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    HJS Member

    CG Pettersson, Stig Tiedemann, Ruben Östlund, ??
  3. huey 2
    Joined: Sep 2014
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    huey 2 New Member

    What a great reply...I am indebted to you
    Thanks huey 2
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