Law abiding Kiwis.

Discussion in 'Multihulls' started by Gary Baigent, Mar 31, 2020.

  1. Gary Baigent
    Joined: Jul 2005
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    Gary Baigent Senior Member

    No one is sailing on the Waitemata harbour, conditions are perfect but the place is devoid of any marine activity, very strange but also beautiful. Here are Groucho and Frog, who knows when they will move again? grouchoFrog.jpg
  2. Gary Baigent
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    Gary Baigent Senior Member

    Look out east from North head and across to the Gulf Islands and Coromandel and there is not a boat in sight; like an image of New Zealand before visitors arrived? Here's another shot of Frog and US designed Norman Cross 40 trimaran At Last.

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  3. oldmulti
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    oldmulti Senior Member

    Gary. Have NZ people told they must stay at home and cannot even exercise eg single handed sailing? PS You have a beautiful sailing/mooring location.
  4. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    Pretty sure the same thing applies now in Queensland, the use of boats for frivolous purposes, prohibited. Seems ridiculous if just one or two people aboard, and moreso if the two people live together !
  5. Gary Baigent
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    Gary Baigent Senior Member

    Everything is locked down (6th or is it 7th day for us now) except for supermarkets and a few food specialist places. Also means no (or very few) coast guard. Warned don't screw up if on water. I guess large fine - so no one is sailing. Very few aircraft flying, maybe a couple a day, well that's all I've seen/heard. People are in parks though, lots of single or paired runners, numbers of walkers and dogs, Kiwis are surprisingly law abiding (see photograph) - and a few nutters are surreptitiously working on boats.

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  6. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    Cabin fever could become an issue, sooner rather than later.
  7. kapnD
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    kapnD Senior Member

    Gary’s photo pretty well sums up the attitude of most of the Kiwis I’ve met!
  8. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    They "over-achieve" in all areas !
  9. Russell Brown
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    Russell Brown Senior Member

    Things weird here too, Gary.
    Really liking the general stillness part, but not liking the world news. At least here we have a really fine president that's leading us in the right direction and saving lives all by himself....
    I do believe that's a Horseman design in the photo. Cross never designed anything that ugly. I was offended by the looks of Horseman designs by about 6 years old.
  10. Gary Baigent
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    Gary Baigent Senior Member

    You are right Russell, Horstman, not Cross. Actually I thought both drew ugly boats but maybe Cross designs are a fraction more attractive. At Last looks very heavy and the owner has asked me to come for a sail (they usually motor) but so far have politely swerved away.
    Yes, your President gets worldwide intellectual attention?
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2020
  11. Gary Baigent
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    Gary Baigent Senior Member

    Very quiet here, posting a couple more images because I'm bored: flowering pohutukawas around Cox's Bay, Jacques relaxez vuing on Groucho.

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  12. Gary Baigent
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    Gary Baigent Senior Member

    Frog and Skimmer; 22 foot Mulletboats.

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  13. Russell Brown
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    Russell Brown Senior Member

    I'll post some too.

    DSC_5914.jpeg IMG_20160721_190120965.jpeg P9140196.jpeg
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  14. cavalier mk2
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    cavalier mk2 Senior Member

    Here is my morning, working in a essential field means the boom is in the garage and slime on the ama. I'm still regretting not being in Canada before the border closed but sometimes you have to hold the fort.

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  15. Russell Brown
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    Russell Brown Senior Member

    Nice shot, Cavalier. Good looking boat too. Where was that taken?
    I wasn't thinking about the title of the thread when I posted photos, but it seems like a good time to dig out favorite photos, wherever they were taken. I won't make any more off-color political comments, even if I have some really choice thing to say about a certain someone...
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