Laser - Force 5 Question

Discussion in 'Sailboats' started by BobBill, Aug 29, 2011.

  1. BobBill
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    BobBill Senior Member

    Laser/Force 5 ? on Sail Interchangeability for Kite Dinghy

    Are the sails for these two classes able to be interchanged mast/spar-wise.

    I understand the 5 spars are beefier and the mast is 3 sections, I have a set, but am thinking of trying a Hanson sail which has been designed and tested on Lasers (Hanson makes sails for boards) and has been quite impressive...

    If it will fit the mast, why not?
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2011
  2. CutOnce

    CutOnce Previous Member

    If you aren't class racing, why not? Bill Hansen should probably get a call, and he'd make sure the sail fit the spar - might cost a tiny bit more, but the end result would be a lot better possibly.

  3. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    BB, are you thinking of Hansens square top main for the Laser? In this application it might be pefect. Call Bill....
    Last I knew Bills company was Hansen Aerosports but that doesn't come up anymore-this does: last modified in 2006

    picture: Hansen squaretop

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  4. BobBill
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    BobBill Senior Member

    Laser Force 5 Sail Interchangeability

    Somewhat so, Doug. But it goes farther than just that...I have refurbished 73 Kite Class Dinghy, which is defunct as class but great wee boat.

    They were made with nice wood spars. Over time, spars do fail, and I acquired a Force 5 rig and sail, just in case. Then I saw the Hanson Laser sail and got to thinking that might be the perfect fit. The sail is modern, simple and if it fits the 5 spars, I might have a fun alternative.

    I tried emailing Hanson, and the site is down and in another forum, he said he is very busy with other issues.

    No rush here. But if the sails are interchangeable, I can do some planning and some prep.
  5. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    BB-while Bill Hansen is very good there are many other sailmakers that could build you a squaretop matched to your spars. If you live close to one it would be worthwhile to talk to him/her.
  6. BobBill
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    BobBill Senior Member

    I tried, and none compare to his experience and cost. He seems to have a natural instinct for exactly this kind of sail project that others do not posses. I guess his experience with board sailing is the reason.
  7. BobBill
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    BobBill Senior Member

    Laser Mast Base Diameter?

    Can some sailor supply the diameter of a standard Laser mast base?
  8. CutOnce

    CutOnce Previous Member


  9. BobBill
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    BobBill Senior Member

    Laser Mast Base Diameter?

    Ahh, thanks. That translates to 2.5 inches and the Force 5 base at 2 3/8 inches...

    Ergo, Laser sail sleeves will fit the 5 mast...sailing characteristics notwithstanding.

  10. BobBill
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    BobBill Senior Member

    Laser and Force 5 Sail Interchangeability for Kite Dinghy

    Ah means the Hanson sail, shown in Doug's response above, will also fit the 5 spars.

    Am ordering one as soon as I can get hold of Hanson.

    That sail to add to the sails that power this little 73 dinghy...Cat Pause.

    The original 73 McKibben is a bit stretched...altering a Intensity Force 5 to fit spruce mast and will use a Radial and the Hanson rig on the Force 5 spars when the need arises...

    Am also making new rudder and considering a foil for it or dagger year...if I make it.

    Thanks for the help.

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    Last edited: Aug 31, 2011
  11. CutOnce

    CutOnce Previous Member

    Bienvenue et de rien. I'd also add/McGyver the updated Laser downhaul, outhaul & vang - you will need the increased purchase with the bigger rag. De-powering this rig will be an issue.

  12. BobBill
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    BobBill Senior Member

    Laser/Force 5 ? on Sail Interchangeability for Kite Dinghy

    Yes, I thought of that...referring to the Hanson sail.

    I was going to ask him to drop a top panel or if he had a slightly smaller version...

    The Laser sails present little problem. Smaller than Kite sail by square meter or so...still, as always, the untried is unknown...

    With the Laser sails, was going to use current downhaul, vang set and the Force 5 boom outhaul...for what I am doing, I think the down and out are overkill.

    When sailing now I simply snug off the outhaul at the end of the boom and leave it, old sail no matter.

    This little boat wants to leave the water when the breeze is 10 knots or more...and I tend to sail least for now.
  13. gggGuest
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    gggGuest ...

    If his sail is well designed for the Laser mast it probably won't work too well with different spars... Much better to have the mast bend the sail is designed for. Just 'cos it fits, when it comes to the really sophisticated modern sails, doesn't mean it will work to best advantage.
  14. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    Most squaretops will have automatic gust response controllable with vang tension. Ask Bill Hansen about that with the spars you intend to use.......

  15. Hansen Aerosprt
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    Hansen Aerosprt Junior Member

    For information on the Laser Turbo or Zuma Turbo sails, please email me at We presently have both in stock.
    - Bill
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