Lake Mead Marina fire

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by philSweet, Jun 18, 2024.

  1. philSweet
    Joined: May 2008
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    Location: Beaufort, SC and H'ville, NC

    philSweet Senior Member

    Last week on Saturday night, a fire tore through the Las Vegas marina at Lake Meade. It seems, based on social media reports, that an electrical problem filled a Gibson houseboat with smoke. The people got off and disconnected the shore power, but then the boat burst into flames. The fires spread so fast nothing could be done. About ten boats burned on one dock, then a PWC on fire drifted over to another pier and caught about 20 more boats on fire. The local fire department took about 1 hour to get there and couldn't do anything about it(????). A little digging turned up the fact that the NPS at Lake Meade has a new fire pumper truck.

    (Part three)

    In the US, NFPA 303 covers fire regulations for Marinas. It includes the requirement for firefighting standpipes where hose lays would otherwise exceed 150 feet. I can't say I've ever seen one, but I never spent much time in marinas.

    So why couldn't anyone get any water on that fire? Okay, 12:30 am on Saturday at Lake Meade isn't the best time and place to find sober people, but still-.

    Oh, unlike most standards, you can look at the NFPA standards for free if you jump through enough hoops. NFPA LiNK®
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