Kurt Hughes passenger trimaran concept

Discussion in 'Multihulls' started by Corley, Sep 13, 2012.

  1. Corley
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    Corley epoxy coated

  2. Ad Hoc
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    Ad Hoc Naval Architect

    It is just a Philippine style Banca, but made from "advanced" materials. Those Made in the Philippines are made from Bamboo. Plentiful easily available and cheap as chips material.

    No one in the Philippines would ever buy one of those by KH, simply because it is way way too expensive and nothing new. So who is this aimed at?
  3. waikikin
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    waikikin Senior Member

  4. Roger Six
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    Roger Six Surge Protector

    Let's see, where should we start?

    1. Are you a marketing professional, or is boat design your game?

    2. Do you know everyone in the Philippines who might be in the market for a fresh new boat, or are there, perhaps, just a few individuals in that country who would be interested and you haven't met them yet?

    3. All boats are, simply put, derivatives of others. That would include everything you've ever drawn. What's your point?

    4. Have you contacted Kurt to ask him these same questions?
  5. cavalier mk2
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    cavalier mk2 Senior Member

    Umm.......yuck....this has a Disney toy boat look, the character motif should have been extended to the amas because the modern from the belt line down combined with the windage and wave prone pagoda really look out of place together.
  6. DGreenwood
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    DGreenwood Senior Member

    Just guessing but I'd say it was a commission or a request for a preliminary of a concept. I doubt he would just start designing something like that without some incentive.
  7. jamez
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    jamez Senior Member

    Well now I know why the materials list I've been expecting hasn't turned up ;)

    The styling of the center hull is a little kitschy to my eyes, but overall I like it. Kurt is certainly not afraid of thinking outside the square. Any one know if a schooner/ketch double aero-rig has been done before?
  8. Corley
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    Corley epoxy coated

  9. keysdisease
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    keysdisease Senior Member

    This would work just fine in the cruise ship shore ex market anywhere in the Pacific Rim. Cruise ship passengers eat stuff like this up, no problem. Perhaps that's the intended market

  10. Ad Hoc
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    Ad Hoc Naval Architect

    Other than a series of pretty colour pictures, what is the SOR of the boat?
  11. Silver Raven
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    Silver Raven Senior Member

    Gooday bloke. What a fantastic web site - those are great looking vessels - - I'll have to ask 'RXComposites' what some of them would cost - they sure look like versitile water enjoyment machines. Would sure like to spend a few weeks running around in one of them. Thanks for posting - Corley.

    WOW - what a buzz - 'Gary's flying machine' is - Gary must be having a ball. I'm sure many of us wish him the greatest success in the world - I sure do. ciao, james
  12. Roger Six
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    Roger Six Surge Protector

    Ad Hoc, could you share with us a collection of your personal use/light commercial, cruising, or racing multihull sailing vessels? We'd like to see how a professional demonstrates his work in these areas. I ask because I don't ever see you posting any of your own work here and it really should be shared with the interested members of the forum.
  13. Ad Hoc
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    Ad Hoc Naval Architect

    Who is “we”..not just you alone? If you’re that curious how others present their work, then just google ‘naval architects and yacht designers’ that you consider to be professionals. Then you have your answer.

    I don’t use this forum to advertise, do you? It is not a prerequisite for joining or posting on the forum.
    I come on here to offer advice/guidance and either it is accepted or it is not. Bothers me not, that is the prerogative of the OP.

    Is there a proper question behind this that you’re not asking directly?

    Design is about satisfying an SOR…without an SOR, it is just a doodle. Rather like those pretty pictures. They are nice pretty pictures, but they don’t say what the real purpose (SOR) is for….which anyone with a PC & software can do. Thus, is the pretty picture, just that, or is there a real design and SOR behind it? Perhaps the OP, whom seems to have been sucked in, can elucidate us which it is. Unless you know of course?

    Somehow, I think this is somewhat cheaper and more attractive to the locals.
  14. Corley
    Joined: Oct 2009
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    Corley epoxy coated

    I dont believe that I have been sucked into anything. I noticed some interesting renders on a designers blog post and thought since ideas are shared here then I would post them up for what it was worth. I dont have any agenda with posting KH or any other designers work.

  15. Ad Hoc
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    Ad Hoc Naval Architect

    Thanks for sharing them with others. I’m sure many would appreciate them.

    But you do realise that once you do, the raison d’être of the picture shall be questioned by others that look beyond the picture? Which it seems others fail to recognise.

    Having been in the Philippines many times, his “concept” is simply unworkable and becomes very obvious once you’re there. Here is a pic I took from a banca showing other types of banca’s, if you're interested.

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