KLIS trimaran: owners wanted

Discussion in 'Multihulls' started by zombat, Dec 5, 2019.

  1. zombat
    Joined: Oct 2018
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    zombat Junior Member

    Hello all,

    This summer I bought KLIS 3 trimaran (Bertran Rhodes design) in Estonia, Tallinn.
    Originally it was custom-build in Holland in 1985.

    I wounder if anyone own or owed this trim?
    IMG_4387.jpg https://drive.google.com/open?id=13ArUfsGsGrez6eILm4rPyL6eqDpePwJk
    TEkxBRK1_d0.jpg https://drive.google.com/open?id=12QTkO1NdlpoxhzlrTzgpeQTPzd8DhvLx

    I have a plan to make repairing.
    So I would be glad to get help from Klis owners. Also it is a good idea to share information about this project: ideas for interior, modifications, other tips and recommendations.

    1. Previous owner gave me blueprints (ask if you need information from it), but list of building materials in missed. It would be helpful to know about the type of wood and plywood for the hull.
    2. Does anyone have aluminum mast and wishbone (sizes are needed)? My trim has original spruce mast and wooden boom (made of wood and plywood). Both are heavy (44 kilo for the mast only) and it is difficult to work with sheaves. So I want aluminum items.
    BGK3lX6CmaM.jpg https://drive.google.com/open?id=12O10xvjMykFL9N9Ona0iXXtsh8fgGMJE
    rWsAbEQRxcI.jpg https://drive.google.com/open?id=12Q2tsh5dJrzMOJi3iFypw-D4pcRdJhTV
    3. Does anyone made folding amas?
    4. I have puzzled with jib fairlead. I have "T" section genoa track on the both sides of the cabin's top, but project has another jib fairlead. Present system works ok and gives you to manage sail twist, but in some courses it is not effective.
    IMG_20191205_215819.jpg https://drive.google.com/open?id=12K6EzQRZz-RMmEW-aI1LCn7bBossweWK
    5. Spinnaker/gennaker optimal size? Changes in sails?
    6. Ventilation of amas? A have only hatches on the center. I do not think that it is enough.
    7. Foils. They are made of wood, very solid and heavy. Also they swell on wetting and become wedged. Have a plan to sand-paper and use Eposeal-300. Does anyone replace it (aluminum, fibreglass/foam)?

    If you want I could post about modifications and repairing of my trim on this thread.
  2. Steve W
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    Steve W Senior Member

    Very cool little trimaran, for those that don't know the history of this design, Bernard Rhodes designed and built the original Klis back in the 1960s or early 70s in the UK and then crossed the Atlantic and Pacific oceans solo and settled in New Zealand, pretty impressive for a 22 ft plywood trimaran. He built Klis 11 in a friend of mines garage, im sure there were many improvements over the original but the ones that stand out were the stabilizing foils in the amas ,a wishbone boom and lengthening by a foot. I can't think of a better, proven, sea going pocket multihull design than this that has been designed more recently. Congratulations on awesome find.
  3. rayman
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    rayman Senior Member

    I believe Bernard Rhodes is still alive and lives on Waiheke Island Auckland. He would be the man to speak with.
  4. Kliss 3
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    Kliss 3 Junior Member

    Hi zombat, i have a kliss 3 and sailed it last year around croatia! I bought it with a wingmast and wishbone, but that was to heavy! I replaced the mast for a aluminium one. The prevoius owner took out the hydrofoils and placed a centerboard in the main hull, i upgraded the centerboard and it work fine. I can fold the amas under the main hull on a trailer. The beams have an extra folding point. I look for some more picture on my computer. Nice to talk about this super little boat :)
    Greetings martijn

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  5. Kliss 3
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    Kliss 3 Junior Member

    Here is some impression of the sail configuration.
    We also made genaker. I dont know the size but it is about 9 meters to the mast top. And 5 meters over the deck.
  6. Kliss 3
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    Kliss 3 Junior Member

    Here you can see how the amas are fold under the main hull. I can unfold on the trailer.

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    Last edited: Feb 2, 2020
  7. zombat
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    zombat Junior Member

    Hi, Martijn!
    Nice to meet KLIS boat owner. :) I found one in New Zealand)) RF vs Hanked on on a 24ft tri - Page 2 - Cruisers & Sailing Forums https://www.cruisersforum.com/forums/showthread.php?s=4353f8fd28ff9e5ad65653cb6e10849f&p=3030320#post3030320

    Sorry my delayed reply, I didn't get notifications. Thank you! Very useful information.
    Nice voyage! Very time saving with folded amas!
    Sorry, I would ask you questions.))
    Did you try to fold amas in marina?
    I would be glad, if you show interior. I try to organize space inside the cabin and any tips are useful. My boat has 55 liter soft water tank under the cockpit and toilet with manual flush (under the fore hatch).
    I thing about upgrades: organize washbowl, use air box (it has a hatch) for waste tank (strict regulation in Finland), mantle 2 solar panels (I am still thinking about the way to do that).

    How did you find amas ventilation (I saw vent hole at the front of it)? Are they wet after sailing?

    I think I saw photos of your boat in the Internet with old mast. What you think about wishbone in compare with standard boom?
    Do you still have rotating mast or it is fixed? Can you fold it? Very interesting to see the construction close by.
    Actually, I have the same idea about the mast. I want to replace it. What mast profile shape did you choose?

    Do you know the weight of your boat?

    I planned to visit Netherlands this year. Unfortunately, no fate.

    Take care! Alex.

  8. Kliss 3
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    Kliss 3 Junior Member

    Hi Alex,
    Good to hear from you!
    My boat is in the southwest of the netherlands and i am living near the german border,
    so i cannot make pictures from inside right now.. I will be there soon to do some work.
    The mast is tilting to the bow, i will send you a picture aswell.
    the amas only fold on land,... and this is quitte heavy because you have to turn them and lift them at the same time.

    in the front of the amas are jerrycan screw tops fittet. so if you expect it to be rought you can close them. i have also a hatch on top of the ama, and it leaks sometimes a little bit.
    For the mast i think the new rig is performing better. The old wingmast was to big and did not make a nice wingshape with the sail. the non rotating mast came from an old monohull and works just fine.

    the boat was about 1150 kg ready for sailing. i think it is build strong but a bit heavy..
    soon i will send you some detailed pictures of in and outside.
    is your boat also weather helm ( pointing towards the wind?)

    i hope to hear from you, and send you some more infos soon!

    greetings martijn

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  9. zombat
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    zombat Junior Member

    Oh, Martijn, thank you for fast reply!

    Mast is heavy. Each hydrofoil is 23 kg. I found no sufficient drag of the boat when use hydrofoils in mild winds.
    I just wonder the weight because a have only abstract info from the owner card (600 kg, yes, it is funny).

    Yes, it is weather helm. Trim sails very good with jib or genoa only. I may guess that it is not well balanced concerning the sails. I got difficulties when carried main sail only. It was hard to fall off.
    How many HP does your outboard engine have? I borrowed outboard engine from my friend for a short period of time (6 hp was good). I used even 2.5 hp engine, but it works fine (5,3 knots) in good weather conditions only. Now it is time to buy outboard engine for my own.

    I have building plans from the previous owner. Ask me if you need something (in case you do not have).
  10. Kliss 3
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    Kliss 3 Junior Member

    Hi Alex,
    We used a 8 hp motor , this is more then enough, it broke down and now we have a 6 hp doing just fine..
    I think the 2,5 will work also fine but not in strong winds...
    For the interior , we have a big 1 person or small 2 person bed in the front. see picture, sorry about the mess..
    And a sliding bed on the right side. so it is a comfortable 1 or 2 person bed. In my boat i have a lot of storage under the cockpit, i would make a waste water tank there, or under the seat on the left is also a lot of of space.... as you dont have the centerboard, it could be nice to place it just under the mast..
    knorretje binnen.png
    and see this video for the inside:
  11. zombat
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    zombat Junior Member

    Hi, Martijn!
    Thank you for information and the image of interior.
    Nice to get it from you. I like to compare things to get tips :)

    Do you remember the shape profile of your new mast? I want to replace it also. I found light weight mast profile, but I am not sure after the calculation of all forces that act on the mast profile.
    Information about your mast could be helpful.

    My small modificatos are in progress.
    I set hatch ahead the cabin (for gray water soft tank/ extra storage), gas reductor to use small size gas tanks. I've found it useful, safe (1 for a few days), and easy to store.


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  12. BatmanNZ
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    BatmanNZ Junior Member

    Hi guys,
    Sorry to be so long coming here.
    I will add all the photos I have ,I hope they will be helpful to you.
    I will also include Bernards email address so will be able to contact him directly.He has been very helpful to me.

    ikmohelhchjgbcpi.jpg DSCF0998.JPG iphpcaljkfbcgpop.jpg Klis III centreboard_0001.jpg Klis2 copy.jpg The Dark Side.jpg

    more to come ................................


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  13. Kliss 3
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    Kliss 3 Junior Member

    hi lindsay,
    Good to hear more people still having fun with the super kliss!:)
    this was in a nice breeze with spi in croatia.

    hope to see more pictures!
    greetings martijn
  14. BatmanNZ
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    BatmanNZ Junior Member

    Hi Martin,
    Nice video , but too short ! :)
    I think I have some photos of it, let me see if I can find them.

  15. BatmanNZ
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    BatmanNZ Junior Member

    Some more Klis 3 .
    and the blue one
    ljkbbipdaapojgac.jpg TEkxBRK1_d0.jpg
    This one also,
    Knorretje.jpg Knorretje-816x490.jpg
    and Brenards boat.The original one he still has now.
    epmgghkmfpoiibbc.jpg yacht868.jpg.gallery.jpg
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