Kites/Kite Foiler

Discussion in 'Multihulls' started by Doug Lord, Feb 14, 2011.

  1. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

  2. CaptBill
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    CaptBill CaptBill

    Really cool.

    What about the spring-loaded pontoon suspension system. Wild.
  3. keysdisease
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    keysdisease Senior Member

    Absolutely awesome. Way cool
  4. Spiv
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    Spiv Ancient Mariner

    At first I thought it was a foil control system, but perhaps it is just a simple anti-pichpole mechanism.
  5. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    I think your first thought was right: the boat with the yellow "feelers" sticking
    out forward is basically a Hobie Trifoiler platform where the feelers move the
    whole "ama" which the foil is fixed to.
    The other boat with the bow mounted trailing paddles seem weird to me at first because I couldn't understand why they had such wide-almost massive-paddles. The Rave and Moth use trailing wands-fairly small- to move the flap on the hydrofoils. Then I looked again and I could see the whole foil moving(like the trifoiler) which explains the size of the paddles.
    Pretty neat stuff!
  6. CaptBill
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    CaptBill CaptBill

    It looks as if the paddles are driving a cam mechanism, maybe the foil, or shock absorber?
    Any idea?
  7. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    I'm fairly certain the paddles are moving the whole foil similarly to the feelers on the trifoiler platform.
    Below is a control animation done by Dr. Bradfield showing how a "wand" controls the main foil flaps on the Rave:

    PS- doesn't seem to want to animate but you can manually scroll down to see how the thing works....
  8. CaptBill
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    CaptBill CaptBill

    You know, if you were to do the same arrangement of caming the power from the mainsail, and linking it into the foil, I would think you could really tame a foiling system. The wind constantly changing is what is hard about keeping them 'air born'. Were you to cam the right ratio of power she should be able to find a 'slot' all on her own. The placement of the foil-tiller is just right, being nearer the centerline. You could easily adapt a 'sheet-to-tiller' arrangement that might just work like a charm.

  9. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    Attached Files:

  10. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    Kite foiler

    Incredibly good high speed video:

    For those interested in foiling technology this thing is unique: it uses trailing "paddles(?)" instead of wands or forward facing "feelers" ,like on Longshot or the Hobie Trifoiler but does the same thing: moves the whole foil instead of a flap like Bradfields Osprey. Watch closely and you can see the foils moving-particularly the head of the foils. Very interesting.
  11. Spiv
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    Spiv Ancient Mariner

    Unfortunately the links says that it is a private video and I cannot watch it...
    Any fixes?
  12. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    Thats the damnedest thing I've ever seen! I saw the video on SA and got it off of u-tube. I just checked the front page of SA and it says the same thing.
    The boat in this video is the same one in the opening shots of the video in the first post of this thread-only significantly modified. Sorry about this. Check back because I'll be working on this!
    Just watched the video on the link in the first post again-there are at least three different boats using a system similar to the one I described and a modified Hobie trifoiler as well-take the time to watch it!
    Found it again: Click on the arrow on the lower screen.

  13. Spiv
    Joined: Jun 2007
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    Spiv Ancient Mariner

    Amazing speed in what seems relatively calm day!
    Nice flat ride too.
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