Kiribati 36 opinions

Discussion in 'Sailboats' started by Tom Burkett, Dec 20, 2014.

  1. Tom Burkett
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    Tom Burkett Junior Member

    If things go according to plan my shore-side ties will be considerably loosened in the next 2.5 years and I am searching for a new and larger boat to do some more extensive cruising with the wife and friends.

    Requirements; strong construction (metal?), relatively small (under 40 ft), dry, ease of maintenance, simple systems, shallow draft with possibility of drying out, protected steering station, sufficient stowage for extended periods off the beaten path, comfortable for 2-4 but easily single handed, good motion at sea, not slow but doesn't have to be a rocket ship.

    Plans are to use the boat for annual cruises to Atlantic Canada and the Caribbean, with the potential for an ocean passage and cruise of the European canals and maybe, just maybe, some high latitude sailing.

    After looking extensively at the used market I started considering having a new boat built which brought me to the Kiribati 36 ( From what I can gather there have been two built, one by the designer who is living aboard and sailing.

    Things I like about the boat: numbers (SA/D, D/L, CR) look good (to me), size, aluminum construction with CNC files available, good visibility from below deck and protected steering with a hard dodger, companion way hatch (no leaking drop boards), tiller steering, watertight bulkheads fore and aft, shallow draft-able to dry out, solid life rails, clean decks, staysail, good stowage with an aft "closet" and large lockers in the stern separated from the living section by a watertight bulkhead, sugar scoop stern for cockpit drainage, ease in boarding from a dinghy, retrieving someone from the water, large cockpit for gatherings, sea berths, open accommodation with two cabins for harbor usage, etc.

    Things I have questions about: The twin rudders look exposed and prone to fouling, rudder area looks small, bottom plate is spec'ed at 10mm and wonder if 12 wouldn't be better, sea motion due to rounded underbody and shallow draft, new design.

    So the positives look better then the potential negatives and I'm seriously considering moving to the next step which is to get the plans and start talking to builders. This would be my first foray into boat building and metal boats although I have refitted a number of classic plastic boats so feel that I could do the interior fit out if I had the hull and deck professionally built.

    Any thoughts on the design? My concerns? Things I haven't thought of? Things to look out for in the build process?

    Any and all relies greatly appreciated.
  2. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    The design is appealing. Overall seems conservative, which is a good thing. Extremes usually do only one thing well and suck at all others. For cruising, the ideal is a boat with all around performance and predictable behavior. If you are not a welder, hiring one will save you a lot of time and the boat will end up with a better quality. You can assemble parts and tack them in place, then the welder can finish.
  3. Richard Woods
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    Richard Woods Woods Designs

    Nick Skeates' Wylo would meet the bill, as would anything from Mike Pocock

    Richard Woods
  4. Steve W
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    Steve W Senior Member

    Nice boat, I like his designs. Re the bottom plate thickness I would submit that the designer probably knows better than you on this, don't fall into the habit of a lot of amateurs and start increasing the scantlings, if you don't trust the designers experience, don't buy his plans.

    Angélique likes this.
  5. Tom Burkett
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    Tom Burkett Junior Member

    Good advice. I'll keep it in mind.
  6. Tom Burkett
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    Tom Burkett Junior Member

    I looked at the Wylo 35.5, and although I liked the design philosophy, I didn't care for the flush deck, cockpit. There are a lot of ports but it still seemed that it would be like living in a cave. I thought the diesel-electric hybrid that Voyaging yachts is installing was an interesting idea.

    I don't know of Mike Pocock's designs, I'll have to look for them.
  7. seagull147
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    seagull147 New Member

    Hi Tom, I like this design also. It has a lot going for it, which you have mentioned. Regarding bottom plate thickness, for info both the Boreal 44 and 47 have 10mm thick bottom plate and keel and that's good enough for me. I agree with Steve W. on that also. I believe they are up to hull #4 now so becoming lesser of a 'new' design. I like a lot about this design and these designers in that they seem genuinely happy that owners build their own boats and are more inclined to the self sufficient owner/builder and sailor. If you went ahead with this boat i would like to know.
  8. valery gaulin
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    valery gaulin Senior Member

    Kiribati 36 looks like a good compromise. I wonder how much a bare hull would cost?

  9. Modular Hippo
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    Modular Hippo New Member

    Hi Tom,

    I hope all is well.

    Just a quick note to let you know that I just started the build of the Kiribati 36.

    What design did you settle on, if any?

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