Kingfisher Sierra 5.4 help please

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by Kingfisher1, Jan 24, 2022.

  1. Kingfisher1
    Joined: Jan 2022
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    Kingfisher1 New Member

    Hey all, it's probably a long shot as there is no information for my boat online.
    I'm looking to replace the transom and can't find any info on the boat. Anyone that might know some info would be greatly appreciated.

    I believe it's a kingfisher Sierra 540 or 5.4

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  2. bajansailor
    Joined: Oct 2007
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    Welcome to the Forum Kingfisher.

    Is there a serial number on the transom? If there is, it should be on the upper starboard side. It might be engraved in the gelcoat, or it might be a plate screwed on.
    There are various folk on here in Australia, and hopefully one of the members here will recognise your boat.
    Mr Efficiency used to be a regular poster on here, but he has not been seen for more than 4 weeks now - he is very knowledgeable about small Australian motor boats.
    Mr Efficiency

    Re how you want to replace the transom, I presume that it has a timber core, and that it now feels soft and spongy?
    Can you post some more photos if possible of the boat and transom?
    You should get a lot of useful advice on this forum to help you when you are cutting out the transom and rebuilding it.
  3. fallguy
    Joined: Dec 2016
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    fallguy Senior Member

    The best advice is easy. Replace the transom without damaging the exterior finish. Cut it out from the inside, make sure the boat can't twist.

    More elaborate details can follow, but it always saddens me to see someone cut the thing out and then face monumental repairs for what should be relatively easy.
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  4. fallguy
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    fallguy Senior Member

  5. Kingfisher1
    Joined: Jan 2022
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    Kingfisher1 New Member


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