Kerdyn Green Foam - trimaran / multipurpose

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by AnthonyW, Oct 14, 2024.

  1. Skip Johnson
    Joined: Feb 2021
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    Location: Lake Tenkiller, Ok, usa

    Skip Johnson Junior Member

    If performance is high on your criteria I vividly remember John Goodman's GIS with Mic Storer on board flying by me some years ago when the GIS was a recent design.

  2. AnthonyW
    Joined: Oct 2012
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    Location: Cape Town, South Africa

    AnthonyW Senior Member

    Thanks - yes there is Youtuber called Boat Rambler who build a GIS, and it certainly seems to move quickly. A couple of videos from the Texas 200 s also show them doing very well, and someone who owned one called Gir has posted a bit. For something that looks simple it seems very well designed and swift. Pretty boat too. I gather a touch twitchy - i.e. needs constant attention if you single hand her, but with some ballast she is bit more 'normal'. I read one chap put some sand bags in until he got used to her.But that is what sailing dinghies is about - a boat that needs TLC is typically why one sails small.

    But one boat at a time for now :) Hoping to have some clear days in December (I am Cape Town based) on leave to finish foam and fairing on the main hull, and get rub rails installed for stiffness so I can glass and flip it into rope cradle. I was going to say 'her' but I gather sailing canoes should be called 'him'.

    On Boat Rambler - he has some nice Lateen rigged traditional Portuguese boats which are interesting. Quite a fun channel if you have time.

    Back to the Kerdyn - I did some tests with expoxy to see how it butt joins. It advertises strong adhesion. Certainly looks that way - couldn't brake it at the joint. And in flex the Kerdyn kept its rounding uniform. I did V the join for extra surface area bite, and only went 80% in as I will be doing this on the boat and then do the last 20% when I flip it.
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