Kelsall Mariner 52"

Discussion in 'Multihulls' started by Diehard1302, Oct 3, 2012.

  1. Diehard1302
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    Diehard1302 Junior Member

    Hi everyone, i´m new here and realy interested in following some of the threads.
    I´m interested in a kelsall 52" based in Italy.

    Does anyone have experiance with that multihull and can maybe assist?

    kr Gerhard.
  2. Diehard1302
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    Diehard1302 Junior Member

    Hi everyone!

    Since a lot of you where reading my post, here are some links to the kelsall. It will be a project boat.

    If anyone has any experiance with that size, model, shape, refit, ++++ it woiuld be realy appreciated.

    KR Gerhard.

  3. redreuben
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    redreuben redreuben

    Yep that's a project boat alright !
    My only advise is the now famous aviation slogan

    "simplicate and add lightness"
  4. oldsailor7
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    oldsailor7 Senior Member

    What a shame it has been allowed to deteriorate so badly. :(
  5. Diehard1302
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    Diehard1302 Junior Member

    thanks redreuben and oldsailor7 for your comments.

    Do you guys have an idea after seeing the pics, where to start.

    When i saw it with the owner he was kind of shocked since he haven´t seen the boat for a while a partner was responsible to take care.

    Anyway, in my opinion it looks like you need to get everything out first and start from scretch.

    what´s your opinion to it...
  6. HASYB
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    HASYB Senior Member

    Well... this is one BIG project. Better think twice before you start.
    What is your plan?
    I guess first the condition of the boat has to be determent more accurate. If it is worth the trouble at all.
    Perhaps Derek Kelsall knows more of the history and how/where and to what quality it was build.

    The picture of the boat in better days is from his website.

    Attached Files:

  7. cavalier mk2
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    cavalier mk2 Senior Member

    I would second contacting Derek Kelsall, the boat was shown in his catamaran book. The biggest concern is if the skin is delaminating and water has gotten into the foam core.
  8. redreuben
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    redreuben redreuben

    I'll 3rd contacting Derek.
    Then I'd write up a plan of what is going to be in the boat on completion, air con ? What electrical systems, plumbing etc so you can incorporate the wiring and plumbing as you renovate rather than try and run them as an afterthought.
    Sketch up a rough plan of all the areas and whats in them and then empty the boat keeping all the stuff in piles according to your sketch.
    With an empty boat, repair/renovate the basic structure, hulls, deck bulkheads etc.
    Then work out what is important to you, I would get a functioning rig, sails and sailing systems first so at least you can go for a yacht !
    Then work on the galley, plumbing, electronic stuff and then the superfluous stuff like bunks head linings trim etc. But that is just my way.
  9. Diehard1302
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    Diehard1302 Junior Member

    Hi Cavalier mk2, redreuben & HASYB!

    Thanks for your comments.

    My plan is to take some time 11/2 for the refit. Most of it will be done by myself

    If it is worth it? God knows, i can´t say. My intention is also the building process, since i´m working on computers for years i need to do something practically.

    Hull seems to be wet, what i have seen the foam got wet inbetween, it´s realy hard to make that call, skin seems to be NOT delaminating.

    Not sure if i go again to ROME for a visit, but what i have seen so far it will need a major refit. You guys are right, think twice before you go into it. Most probably would make more sense to buy the hull structure and start from there. It is a difficult call.

    I emailed Derek to find out more about it, did so far not get the reply. Will see what he will say.

    Thanks guys for your suggestions.
  10. gillikin31
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    gillikin31 Junior Member

    Just a note that she was used in the Australian TV Series Adventure Bound with Alby Mangels. I would love to have her but I also am not sure if she is worth the expense
  11. sosnajo
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    sosnajo New Member

    Hallo Gerhard,
    habe den Kat selber im Auge und mit der neuerlichen Preisreduktion ist er noch interessanter. Allerdings ist er viel zu gross für eine private Nutzung. Hättest Du vielleicht Interesse an einer gemeinsamen Nutzung ? Ich bin Meeresbiologe ( 42 ) , Tauchleherer, Skipper und bootserfahren auch was Restaurierung angeht.
    Würde mich freuen wenn du dich meldest
  12. Diehard1302
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    Diehard1302 Junior Member

    Hello, just wanted to drop all of you a note. Thank you for saving me getting into this project!

    Thanks to Joe, for finding out about the structure and the sandwich.

    thanks Gerhard.
  13. michael pierzga
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    michael pierzga Senior Member

    Boats in The Mediterranean sail to Greece to die. Multi hulls go bankrupt and die very fast.

    Check places like Messolongi or Prevesa. Normally there are many multis burning in the sun.

    Carefully examine the hulls. The typical damage is from being blown ashore. Multis are so expensive to keep in a marina that people anchor them out. Storm comes up and its all over. Three multis destroyed this month in my neighborhood.

    Be wise. Since these boats arent insured , the repairs to get them floating again are very poorly executed. Putty and paint, make em look like what they aint.
  14. El_Guero

    El_Guero Previous Member

    Your being in Austria would have made it difficult to do the work, unless you took a lot of time off.

    It is sad they let it get to that condition .... When you can see the rot in the photos, there is just not a lot you can do except major rehabilitation.

    It sounds like you want a project. Why not build a boat at home? There are some great designed cats and trimarans you can trailer.


  15. Sand crab
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    Sand crab Junior Member

    I'm confused. Did the OP buy it. It is under contract or sold by now.
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