Keel cooler

Discussion in 'Boatbuilding' started by Canveysteve, Dec 1, 2016.

  1. Canveysteve
    Joined: Jul 2016
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    Canveysteve Junior Member

    Hi all
    Im trying to build a keel cooler ( pipecooler )
    The engine is a ford xdl418 ( ford fiesta / courier )
    Found a guid of 5 hp per foot so my motor being 50hp
    I need 10 ft tube ( will prob double and let stat keep to temp)

    Im triying to sus a thru hull fitting for this
    Pipe will be 2" ss pipe aprox m wall may paint but not 100%
    I need the fitting like a essex flange style or a disc welded to the pipe then eathe bolt thro with a few bolts around the dia on the disc
    Or threaded and nut

    What would ur views be whih this?
    Going keel cooler as will be more reliabale than raw
    Engine will last longer
    And cheaper automotive parts ( pump ect) has abyone don somthing simular
  2. TeddyDiver
    Joined: Dec 2007
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    TeddyDiver Gollywobbler

    Don't paint. Reduces the thermal effiency and may couse crevice corrosion..
  3. Canveysteve
    Joined: Jul 2016
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    Canveysteve Junior Member

    Du think the pipe is long enouf
  4. TeddyDiver
    Joined: Dec 2007
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    TeddyDiver Gollywobbler

    I don't have the equation at hand but search the forum. We have had threds about keel coolers and there's several equations to calculate them along with comments of the possible caveats considering them

    BR Teddy

  5. Canveysteve
    Joined: Jul 2016
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    Canveysteve Junior Member

    Yep ok think it was on here where i got the 5hp per foot
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