Kayak building videos

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by Rod Tait, Oct 11, 2013.

  1. Rod Tait
    Joined: Apr 2005
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    Rod Tait Junior Member

    For those interested in building their own wooden kayak I thought I would pass along that I have been filming wooden kayak building for several years now and have finally gotten around to producing some YouTube video clips on the process as outlined in the free building manual that also accompanies plan sets. Videos can be viewed on my blog on my web site at http://orcaboats.wordpress.com/
  2. El_Guero

    El_Guero Previous Member

    Where is Coquitlam?
  3. Rod Tait
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    Rod Tait Junior Member

    Coquitlam is a suburb of Vancouver, Canada. Changed my profile to reflect that.
  4. El_Guero

    El_Guero Previous Member

    That is ok. Just curious.
  5. rwatson
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    rwatson Senior Member

    I notice that on your boats, you cut the floor strips off at the keel line, as do a lot of other strip builders.

    When I did my canoe, I considered this to be a less satisfactory solution from a structural as well as building point of view, than running as many full length strips as possible along the keel line, and then filling in the 'gap'


    Is there something I am missing by using this technique, do you think ?

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  6. Rod Tait
    Joined: Apr 2005
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    Rod Tait Junior Member

    Fillng the hull

    Both are structurally the same in my opinion as the wood is basically a core and the strength comes from the glass coating inside and out. I use the fill one side method and then cut the centerline as I believe this the simplest for first timers. And so the instructions are geared toward them. When you run a strip down the center, then you have two half moon shaped areas to fill and this means doubling of the fitting of strips to the centerline. Even more difficult would be a herringbone pattern at the centerline.
  7. Skyak
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    Skyak Senior Member

    I have often wondered why strippers build over male molds? The result looks like a drippy mess outside that will be a pain to sand and fair. My thought was that the outside is what needs to be fair so put that against the vertical mold half and hold it tight with fishing line to each mold. When the inside is glassed the outside will be more easily faired and sanded. Strip thickness error will be on the inside where nobody cares. Flip the molds to do the other half. The fair halves might even be vac infused on the outside. Most bottoms look like they could be filled in with ply to save all the precise trimming.
  8. rwatson
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    rwatson Senior Member

    Your logic is totally correct, but in practice you need to be able to view and 'get at' the planks from the outside to get correctly aligned and joined planks.

    The 'female mold' technique would work a treat if you had a solid mold that you could press the strips into, but very few people do mass production strip planks. Each wood strip seems to have a mind of its own, and needs to be coaxed carefully.

    As it turns out, if you 'clean as you go' then the outside is quite easy to keep neat and easy to finish.

    The inside is another matter

  9. Rod Tait
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    Rod Tait Junior Member

    Most plans and instructions are designed for the first time builder, hence they try to make it a simple as possible. Over engineering the process might detract from the simplicity for home builders. Not many people including myself can afford a vacuum bagging system that will accommodate a 17 foot kayak.

  10. mick_allen
    Joined: Dec 2005
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    mick_allen -

    Aesthetics. Multiple pattern changes within a simple surface, without obvious meaning, usually causes visual dissonance. One simple remedy is to build in a consistent manner from edge to edge.
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