Katie-J´s refit

Discussion in 'Boatbuilding' started by voodoochile, Jan 14, 2023.

  1. C. Dog
    Joined: May 2022
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    C. Dog Senior Member

    Well done Pedro, if you make it to the east coast of Australia I will have a cold beverage awaiting, and see if I can round up some of those above mentioned, potentially contentious baby feeding devices.
    voodoochile likes this.
  2. fallguy
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    fallguy Boat Builder

    What a fun thread. I had an artist draw a mermaid and asked for hair over tops and he quit on me. I wanted my niece who is like 5 to be able to see the boat without a disgusted in law.

    Not to take away, but this is a ton of excellent content.

    probably your rudder query got lost in the content; if you did not resolve it; I recommend a new thread with rudder only unless I missed it as well
    voodoochile likes this.
  3. Will Gilmore
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    Will Gilmore Senior Member

    I call myself an artist, only as an easy way to describe what I do. I tried art school, but decided I didn't really like artists. They seem to think they are above the rest of the world and should have a different set of rules to follow or break, then claim no one understands them.

  4. voodoochile
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    voodoochile Junior Member

    i changed my approach to one of the V berth STB storage cabinets
    it was initially thought out as a 2 space cabinet but i decided to change that into a top shelf and 2 drawers
    change of plans 1.jpg

    after removing the G10 sheet and scribbling the positions for the new features
    chnage of plans 3.jpg

    after this was done i could insulate with a couple of 6mm cork sheets
    after insulating with  2 layers 6mm cork.jpg

    with the insulation done i applied some tape as releasing agent and could then laminate 4 layers of biaxial cloth to get the hull shape in between the 2 side walls.
    this moulding will be the back of the drawers, thus making the most of the available space.
    hull shape lamination.jpg

    moulded piece
    hull shape lam final result.jpg

    by this time i could already laminate the top shelf in
    top shelf.jpg

    after some measuring and templating i was able to cut the bottoms and side walls for the drawers
    depicted here are the side walls with those 2 black lines being cuts i will do in order to laminate a recess to accommodate the drawer slider
    cut lines for spacer.jpg

    the 9mm plywood strip constitutes the "plug" from where we recess is laminated from. why 9mm? because the thickness of the sliders is 12mm and that allows for a 3mm gap on either side.
    alining the spacer.jpg

    a very crude view of the bottom drawer
    lower drawer very dry fit.jpg
    Will Gilmore likes this.
  5. voodoochile
    Joined: Nov 2009
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    voodoochile Junior Member

    i partially kept one of the original cabinets, though i had its height decreased to make way for a shelf.
    this space will eventually house an AC unit, something you defo need in Asia.

    general view of the space and the original plywood partition
    Ac cabinet aft face before lid and lams.jpg

    after some templating i cut the 3mm G10 top lid and had it tabbed in
    AC cabinet lid tabbed in.jpg

    the following day it was possible to laminate both outside and inside corners, plus the outside of the plywood partition. (the inside face will also be laminated to fully waterproof the space
    original partition outside lam.jpg

    for more photos and info please go to
    Introducing Katie-J - Plastic Classic Forum https://plasticclassicforum.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=37&t=6357
    Will Gilmore and C. Dog like this.
  6. voodoochile
    Joined: Nov 2009
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    voodoochile Junior Member

    got more stuff done
    as always go to
    Introducing Katie-J - Plastic Classic Forum https://plasticclassicforum.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=37&t=6357

    for more info & photos

    new bow compartment
    fwd wall and longitudinal wall.jpg
    last panel tabbed in .jpg
    it has been laminated from the inside but i have yet to laminate on the exterior

    cam fitting with hose fitting.jpg
    how i plan to have water in and out of the boats bow, i think its going to work great

    tabbing the back side    15 mm spacers.jpg
    building the bottom drawer

    removed after cutting the backside to allow dislodgment.jpg

    laminating inside and out
    laminating the inside.jpg
    laminating the outside.jpg

    and getting started on the STB cabinet front piece
    epoxying the hinge base platform.jpg

    did a bit of a cleanup on the boat, god it was an awfull mess
    before clean up.jpg

    not that much wow factor but its a lot better!!
    after cleanup.jpg
    Will Gilmore likes this.
  7. Will Gilmore
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    Will Gilmore Senior Member

    You have done a lot of work. It's amazing.

    Still a lot to do. I appreciate the journey you are bringing us all on with you. Looking forward to more.

  8. voodoochile
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    voodoochile Junior Member

    im finding the true meaning of the "2 years" answer in preparation for when ppl eventually ask: when will you finish. i sincerely hope ppl dont ask that as i might lash out hahahaah
    it is coming together but, like you mentioned, there is a LOT of stuff to do, and with it the added difficulty of moving around inside the boat given the fact that the available volume is decreasing as one builds the cabinetry.
    then onto to the finishing stage: fairing, sanding, fairing....

    thanks for following the thread!
    Will Gilmore likes this.

  9. voodoochile
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    voodoochile Junior Member

    Will Gilmore likes this.
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