Ka 3-65 Propeller Design

Discussion in 'Props' started by Anupam, Dec 9, 2014.

  1. Anupam
    Joined: Dec 2014
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    Anupam Anupam

    I am an Engineering undergraduate and have have designed a Ka 3-65 Propeller for my Underwater ROV project. I got all the blade data from PNA and developed a 3D model in Rhino. But the blade doesn't look like the usual normal propeller blades(I don't have much experience of propellers!!), although it does match with the data and projection drawings that's given in the source.

    Anyone has any experience of the using the Ka 3-65 series and can confirm if the blade model is fine or not??

    Any help is highly appreciated.
    Thanks in advance.

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  2. Dutch Peter
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    Dutch Peter Senior Member

    Have no experience with Ka 3-65 series, but little experience with propellers and this one seems a bit flat. There's hardly any skew.
  3. Anupam
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    Anupam Anupam

    Yeah...the Ka series don't have any rake and skew(according to the diagrams).

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  4. jehardiman
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    jehardiman Senior Member

    You didn't do pitch line or section development. What edition of PNA are you using? In the 1988 edition read Vol II, Chapter 6, Section 6. Geometry of the Screw Propeller.
  5. Anupam
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    Anupam Anupam

    Ohh...yes, i didn't consider pitch development. I just followed the basic blade data(without pitch).
    In the section 9(Ducted propellers) of Chapter VI in Vol II, i don't think they have given about pitch development much. Also in this paper on Development of thrusters for ROV, they haven't discussed about pitch developement.

    Thanks a lot. I'll look into it.
  6. Anupam
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    Anupam Anupam

    The Ka series have a fixed pitch right??
    But how to decide the pitch?

  7. igorss
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    igorss Junior Member

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