jon-boat identification

Discussion in 'All Things Boats & Boating' started by Herb West, Apr 12, 2014.

  1. Herb West
    Joined: Apr 2014
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    Herb West New Member

    Need to find Manufacture date & Manufacturer of a 10' Aluminum jon-boat. ID Plate #6981 TSR10. No other markings on boat. Photo available if needed.
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2014
  2. PAR
    Joined: Nov 2003
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    Welcome to the forum Herb.

    The transom should have a "HIN" stamped or engraved into it. The first 3 letters are the Manufactures ID Code (MIC). Assuming your ID plate is the manufacture's model and sequence numbering system and also assuming they used their own MIC code, the letters TSR suggest it's a boat from Ambush Boats (Florida). This of course should be verified with the HIN, which is available on the title and registration of the boat, as well as the boat's butt.
  3. Herb West
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    Herb West New Member

    Thank you for your reply to my problem. There is not a HIN stamped or engraved on the transom. Only the stern plate. I'll check into the Ambush Boats to see what they look like. Thanks again for your time.
  4. PAR
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    What year does the title and/or registration say the boat is? If it's pre 1973, then yep, there will not be a HIN on the transom. Lastly, the boat, if titled and registered will have been assigned a HIN, which should remain with the boat, for it's complete life span. If the HIN isn't there or has had a transom replacement, by someone less mindful of the law, then you should consider putting the assigned HIN on the transom. Again, both the title and registration will have the HIN on them. This is the only number you should consider on a used boat. If you must, perform a title and/or registration search to find the actual HIN.
  5. Herb West
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    Herb West New Member

    Thank you for your reply. There is not a title or registration on this 10' jon-boat. It has been used on private ponds all it's life. I am trying to title it now, I just bought it at a garage sale. It's good to hear that it is prior to 1973 if it has no HIN on the stern. The license bureau wants at least a year of manufacture.
  6. PAR
    Joined: Nov 2003
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    Take the information to the tax collectors office (or DMV) and show them what you have. Pictures of the transom and the manufacture's plate will help too. They just want their registration and title transfer money and more importantly, that the boat isn't stolen. A bill of sale is also going to save some headache too, so maybe go back and get one if you don't have it. Judging by the manufacture's number, I'll bet it's a 1968, as the other number would suggest it would have been required (after 1973) to place a HIN on it's butt. Act reasonable, tell them you looked it up and suggest it was the 81st boat built in 1968 by Ambush Boats and see if they buy your story.

    Lastly dress like you're a nice guy and not walking up after a work release program. Impressions can make a huge difference between getting your way and not. This seems silly, but trust me, I can sell snow balls to Minnesota residents in December and most of it is the impression you make in the first few seconds of a meeting. Quite literally, most have decided to believe you or not, within 5 seconds of a handshake and quick eyeballing up and down. If you look like a clean cut guy, trying to make his kid happy for the summer (it's always good to have a cute story about puppies and/or kids), then they'll tend to just say "damn, what's the harm" and type you up anyway, even if it's a little sketchy. If the boat pictures just happen to have a cute kid and/or puppy in it, the more the merrier.
  7. philSweet
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    philSweet Senior Member

    After the title people have decided you are not a felon, and only after, you might mention that it's over 30 years old and is considered an antique by the state of Florida. That means no taxes, just a fee for the sticker. It used to be $3. This can be a bit of a bother, though.

    Don't be surprised if they tell you there's no such thing as an antique boat registration.


  8. Herb West
    Joined: Apr 2014
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    Herb West New Member

    I now have a Missouri title, thanks to everyone's help. Thanks.
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