Joe Felippi/Fillippi boat builder?

Discussion in 'Powerboats' started by phishown, Dec 19, 2010.

  1. broadwayphil
    Joined: Feb 2011
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    broadwayphil Junior Member

    The Wee Otter was just sold in August to a young couple, still here in S. Oregon. They are already refitting her for commercial fishing and crabbing, and will trailer her, using the trailer I built, to the Coos Bay Area and dock her there. The 27 horse Volvo will be sold and I believe they will run a Detroit for fishing. I also gave them the mast, boom and sail. I was happy to see her go to young people who will put her to work. I had folks wanting to buy her for yard art, not the best use. She's still solid. Even the teak pulpit is sound. Best of luck to you in caring for your mother. Wish more folks did that.
  2. Wee Otter
    Joined: Dec 2016
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    Wee Otter Junior Member

    Ok, it had a 3 cylinder MD3B when I had it. A 36 horse Volvo. Always thought it should have a Perkins 4-108. A little more oomph, but uses more diesel. Congratulations on your second best boat owners day!
    broadwayphil likes this.
  3. broadwayphil
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    broadwayphil Junior Member

    Thank you, and I will pass your information on. I hope to get pictures of the Wee Otter when she's back in the water, and I will pass them along.

  4. Wee Otter
    Joined: Dec 2016
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    Wee Otter Junior Member

    That would be great, thank you! It was my home for 4 and 1/2 years in Alameda.
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