Joe Felippi/Fillippi boat builder?

Discussion in 'Powerboats' started by phishown, Dec 19, 2010.

  1. phishown
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    phishown Junior Member

    Does anyone know of this builder out of Moss Landing, CA? I just purchased a Monterey Clipper built by this designer/builder in 1984. Any info would be great.


  2. broadwayphil
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    broadwayphil Junior Member

    I also just bought a Joe Felippi. A 1974. Mine is on SF Bay. Would like to share info. Restoring her now.
  3. phishown
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    phishown Junior Member

    I am doing the same....What do you know about the builder? I think mine was built for a pleasure trawler... it has a lot of teak much of which has been glassed over. I attached some pics.


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  4. broadwayphil
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    broadwayphil Junior Member

    Very nice! These boats are shrouded in mystery, but there are a few of them. I was told that they came with the superstructures unfinished, so people added their own. I know I've never seen two alike. Mine has a longer cabin, added on, which I am partially removing. Couple pix here.

    The original engine on mine was a Volvo MD80 (Volvo nameplate on the controls), which I am upgrading to the next grade of 2 cylinder, at 27 HP. Just want to putt around the Willamette and Columbia here in Oregon. Looks like glassed-over teak decks and teak trim, still very solid, bare.

    I read that the boat displaces 14,000 lbs. Do you know the tonnage? I am fitting out a trailer to haul her up from SF and that info. would be helpful.

    The Harbormaster where mine is docked told me that Latitude 38, the sailing magazine for SF Bay, had a recent article on these boats, praising them. I'll try to get a copy; couldn't get it on line.

    There's one for sale at the Napa marina in SF for 6K. Has a Perkins.

    A friend from Monterey said she used to go by the yards where they were building fiberglass reproductions of the Monterey Clippers. A different yard, though. There are larger versions of this design in glass, one for sale down there right now. And Choey Lee had its own version in sail and power.

    Mine came with a whole raft of writing from a previous owner. Very interesting, and if anything of immediate value to you surfaces, I will send along.

    Will yours be a commercial boat?

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  5. phishown
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    phishown Junior Member

    I watched that boat for a while and decided it was to far from me. I'm in Pensacola, FL. I ran across my clipper in Merritt Island, FL Originally mine was shipped form the west coast to the north east and then it motored down to the keys where the owner I purchased it from picked it up. My #'s that are permanently inscribed on the hull read Net 7tons which I assume is displacement and not weight. 14000lbs is what The driver and Marina that picked mine up all estimated.

    I have a perkins 4-236 and it cruises @ 8 knots and burns 1.5 gals/hour. I am in the middle of replacing my forward fuel tank. When the builder installed the tanks they rested them on rubber that was nailed down and eventually the rubber eroded and the tanks was resting on the nail heads which in turn went through the bottom of the tank dumping diesel in the bilge. Fun Fun. Something you may want to check on yours. I would like a copy of the article. If you run across it let me know.

  6. broadwayphil
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    broadwayphil Junior Member

    Hey, Mark. I think yours is the boat I saw listed. Very nice rig. I am pulling the floors on mine to lower them, and will replace the tanks then. Thanks for the heads-up, and sorry for your woes. I contacted Latitude 38 to get the article and I'll get it to you. There's also a guy at Moss Landing I can talk with, maybe he has a lead on the yard these came from.

  7. phishown
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    phishown Junior Member


    I am looking at putting some lifelines and bow pulpit on mine. How far are your stanchions apart? I pulled my other tank yesterday and the same problem with the nails puncturing the bottom of it also.

    My engine hatch and deck hatches are 3" above the deck and I am considering installing a cypress planked floor to raise the deck height up to the hatch height in the cockpit. How is your floor and hatches in cockpit?

  8. broadwayphil
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    broadwayphil Junior Member

    Looks like the stainless gunwale stanchions are about 4.5 feet apart. Pulpit is teak, about 2.5 feet with stainless stanchions about 1/2 way up. They are all going to have to be removed and re-fitted. (The teak is still solid after 36 years of abuse!)

    Re: hatches, when they extended the cabin, they cut out the decking over the engine hatch, which is now inside the cabin and also about 3" above the cabin sole. I'm cutting the cabin back, but the engine will still be inside. Cypress would be a great choice! We don't have that here.

    Is your clipper still on the hard? If it is, I have a couple of simple measurements needed that would be of huge help to me in building my bunks.

    I have a call in to that Moss Landing guy. He will probably get back to me today. If you want more trawler pix, I can post here, or if you send me your email I will mail them to you. The magazine wrote back and said that the article didn't ring a bell. I will get more info on that.
  9. phishown
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    phishown Junior Member

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  10. broadwayphil
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    broadwayphil Junior Member

    Thank you!
  11. broadwayphil
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    broadwayphil Junior Member

    Over the pass

    I congratulate my nephew, Michael, after getting the Wee Otter from San Francisco Bay to the top of the Siskiyou Pass in Oregon on Sunday, October 30, 2011. This is the highest pass on I-5, over 4300 feet.

    From trailer build to haul out to 450 mile journey to Oregon, angels on our shoulders and the wind at our backs.

    Now we finish bringing her all the way back to good.

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  12. dirtydieseldave
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    dirtydieseldave Junior Member

    Hi do you still have the clipper? I have had three over the last 20 years
  13. Wee Otter
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    Wee Otter Junior Member

    Phil; do you still have the Wee Otter? It was my home for 4.5 years and I built the aft cabin part in the 80's.
  14. broadwayphil
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    broadwayphil Junior Member

    Hello. Yes, the Wee Otter still sits by my barn. I just listed her for sale. Took a lot to get her rescued and titled, and I'm hoping a lover of these boats will finish the work.

  15. Wee Otter
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    Wee Otter Junior Member

    Hi Phil; I don't check here very often. Just saw your reply from July. I left the San Francisco area many years ago to go sailing down south. Always wondered what happened to the "Wee Otter". Now taking care of my mom in her old age (92). What did you do to her?
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