Jetdrive identity

Discussion in 'Jet Drives' started by Andrew Spalding, Mar 31, 2023.

  1. Andrew Spalding
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    Andrew Spalding Junior Member

    Guys, recently acquired a old 16ft Super Simms boat that had a jetdrive unit. Can't see any identification but here is some photos of same. Appreciate any help in finding it's origins.

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  2. Andrew Spalding
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    Andrew Spalding Junior Member

    Some more images

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  3. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    I am wondering if it might be a PP jet?
    There was a very long thread about them on here some years ago - the last post (#102, 8 years ago) was by a chap with a Super Sims boat, asking for help.
    pp jet parts

    And post #4 in this thread might be useful?
    sims super v jetboat

    Is your boat similar to this one advertised for sale?
    Photo 3 for Sims Super V Jet Boat
  4. Andrew Spalding
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    Andrew Spalding Junior Member

    Thanks for this, so likely a copy of the PP design then. Overall its not in bad condition, likely bearings and seals and maybe a wear ring.

    The boat looks similar to your photo as well

    I'll keep reading a bit more.

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  5. Andrew Spalding
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    Andrew Spalding Junior Member

    Just worked out it's not a Simms but a Dateline and likely a Bikini model. What's confusing us is the impeller size at 7" as opposed to say the norm 6.5". Any thoughts on this
  6. baeckmo
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    baeckmo Hydrodynamics

    It is not a PP as far as I can see. There were a bunch of similar designs popping up at that time; borrowing detail shapes from each other. Forum member Anthony Goodson is probably the one to check with for this.
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  7. SolGato
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    SolGato Senior Member

    Cool boat!

    Brings back memories of a 70’s Sidewinder (very similar style hull) that I once owned.

    It was my first jet boat and a real oddball with a small block Chrysler motor/jet drive setup.

    Always felt fortunate the jet drive didn’t need work once I identified it and discovered few people knew much about them and that parts were hard to come by.

    Of course this was before the internet, so maybe not as difficult now, but back then people around my area only knew two brands -Berkeley and Panther.
  8. anthony goodson
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    anthony goodson Senior Member

    Hi baeckmo ,hope you are well. You are right it's a copy of a pp, the impeller should be measured at the inlet.
  9. Tim Dawson
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    Tim Dawson New Member

    New here, but you,re all probably fed up with the questions and busy eye rolling already!
    Just bought a Sims Super V with a jet drive and ford x flow.
    Engine holds no terrors but the jet drive is new to me.
    All in in bits now and no mechanical disasters.
    All I need to know is - where to buy spares or who to ask? Is stuff still available?
    I have downloaded and googled the pp65 jet drive manual .... with no results on part no search.=, but this doesn,t look much like the pics of pp65 anyway.
    Are there any manuals or links for this (boat specific) drive?
  10. anthony goodson
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    anthony goodson Senior Member

    Without a photo it's impossible to tell ,which spares do you think you need ?

  11. Tim Dawson
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    Tim Dawson New Member

    Hi Antony,
    There are some pictures in another thread where you said "stick my neck out but it doesn't look like a pp65 ...."
    That drive type !
    Presently I only need bolts, bearings and seals - which can all be sourced easily.
    I really mean that when you search the web for part numbers from the pp65 pdf or maintenance details nothing comes up.
    Things like the wear ring, its retaining plastic ring and the plastic impellor collect are things I MIGHT need but who makes them?
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