Jet drive identification

Discussion in 'Jet Drives' started by Fredrik Akesson, Jan 31, 2022.

  1. Fredrik Akesson
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    Fredrik Akesson New Member

    I am about to take ownership of a Swedish built Crescent 52 powered by a Volvo Penta AQ151 (146 hp) on an unidentified jet drive. Age? Any leads on the manufacturer of the jet drive are much appreciated. It is not a PP jet/vospower and it is not from Alamarin, I have been in contact with both Naiad Dynamics and Alamarin today.

  2. Fredrik Akesson
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    Fredrik Akesson New Member

    Yesterday I got information from the seller that, in addition to the normal throttle and f/r controls, there is also a lever that operates the trim function on the nozzle. I read somewhere in a forum that some PP-jets have this trim function. However, since Naiad Dynamics categorically denied that this unit is a PP-jet/Vosper I see no reason, at this point, to discuss the subject further with them. If anyone has more information I would really appreciate to gain access to that. By next week I should have the unit in my possession for a deeper analysis.
  3. baeckmo
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    baeckmo Hydrodynamics

    Hi Fredrik, it is not possible to see any details in your picture here. There are a few dimensions and design features to check in order to find the origin of that unit. Regarding the trimmable nozzle, it was available for some of the PP jets, and for many others as well, so in that respect the Naiad guys are wrong. But come back when you have some close-up pics, and the diameters of the impeller inlet, outlet and corresponding hub diameters, plus nozzle dia.
  4. Fredrik Akesson
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    Fredrik Akesson New Member

    Hej och tack för svaret.

    I was not aware of the trim function when I talked to Naiad so no blame on them for that part. Thanks for the pointers on what to look at. I will make sure to take a good look at unit and gather all the information I can get from it. More info and pics will follow.
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2022
  5. Ike
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    Ike Senior Member

    Just an off-hand comment. Looks a lot like a Berkeley Jet drive.

  6. Fredrik Akesson
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    Fredrik Akesson New Member

    I have now had a chance to look closer at my new jet unit. The only part number I have found so far is on the brass/Bronze impeller. That is without question a Vospower P/N. It matches the one in the PP65 manual I found in this forum: I0600103A. So far so good. Obiously the impeller mounting assembly matches the instructions in said manual as well. It makes me wonnder why Naiad so categorically denied that it is a PP jet.
    20220212_094728.jpg 20220212_094735.jpg 20220212_094739.jpg 20220212_094745.jpg 20220212_095436.jpg 20220212_095449.jpg

    I just noticed the grease coming out at the back of the stator housing on the second picture. Is there supposed to be a zerk fitting there? I find it hard to believe it should be left open like it is right now.
    BTW the impeller tunnel diameter is 190 mm (+-) at the aft end.

    I hope this information can help in identifing the unit.
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