Jet drive Canoe

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by Robert solo, Oct 8, 2019.

  1. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    Container may float depending on weight and if they are water-tight. However, they will have a lot of resistance due to shape and will not likely be stable. Having done a lot of salvage work, on the biggest difficulties and dangers on towing is the fact that the tows often turn around, sideways and every possible way. At times sink too. Further, as you approach the shore, unless there is some relatively deep water dock with a crane you will have to run the containers aground in 5 to 7 feet of water; likely in the surf. How do you propose to drag them out from there? There will be regulations and environmental concerns about a commercial operation destroying reefs and natural habitats.
  2. JosephT
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    JosephT Senior Member

    This whole concept sounds risky. Much safer to work with a cargo vessel that can transport the containers closer to shore, and hoist them onto a flat barge where they can be manruvered to shallow water and brought to shore. Also concur with gonzo about environmental impact of local reefs. Without some good planning this is a dangerous proposition.
  3. BlueBell
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    BlueBell . . . _ _ _ . . . _ _ _

    Robert solo,

    Welcome to the forum.

    This is perhaps the worst application for a small jet drive.
    It could work but can you imagine 1 knot for 200+ hours?
    That's eight days plus!

    A large prop with a diesel engine would be infinitely better.
    A "Travel-Lift" built into a planing hull might be an idea,
    allowing the container bottom to become the boat bottom for
    displacement mode operation.

    Surely this has been done before.
    Nothing on Google?

    Good luck!
    ondarvr likes this.
  4. ondarvr
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    ondarvr Senior Member

    The chances of finding a used jet that will fit your needs would be slim, but you might get lucky.

    How do you plan to make and then store that much fuel?

    To do this with home brew is another obstacle. You’ll need far more alcohol to do the same amount of work compared to diesel.
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2019
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  5. Village_Idiot
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    Village_Idiot Senior Member

    I'd suggest a catamaran designed to hold the shipping container between the hulls, making it a barge when loaded. Go with a gasoline outboard on each hull, maybe a couple 115-150hp motors swinging props.

    You will lose a lot of efficiency by going to a jet.

    In some countries, you can write off the cost of the vessel if you use it to make a living.
  6. JosephT
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    JosephT Senior Member

    Last edited: Oct 10, 2019
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  7. Robert solo
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    Robert solo Junior Member

    This is becoming absurd , and no one cares if I drag this up on a beach around here , I have seen it done with the winch off a tow truck , it was really no big deal. A 40' high box weighs about 5000 pounds add a some for the balloons and some leakage say 5500 pounds and a waterline of about 60-65 feet with the inflatable bow and stern , the towing vessel is LWL 24ft and Disp (Thames) 6 tonnes . if I use a 9 1/2 " jet drive and the hull speed on the tow vessel is 7 knots so lets say I would like to average 4 knots when towing (Magellan only averaged 3 knots , so I will be faster than he was , and not going as far :) , what size engine will I need ?
  8. ondarvr
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    ondarvr Senior Member

    How do you plan to hold enough fuel (home brew) to make a trip of that distance with a jet? Getting there shouldn’t be a huge issue, but towing at 4 knots with a jet sucks down a huge amount of alcohol.
  9. Robert solo
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    Robert solo Junior Member

    I have 4 , 30 gallon a day , ethanol stills waiting for me to figure out how the replace the no longer available control valves with a Ada fruit micro controller and some MOSFETS running the electric cooling pumps and getting temperature signals from some neat digital TI LM135 series temperature sensors I am just learning to code in circuit python now , I will get there eventually . Then I will be able to produce 120 gallons of ethanol fuel every 24 hours ... theoretically .
    Why does it seem that there is a "can't do attitude" here ?
  10. Robert solo
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    Robert solo Junior Member

    You may have a point but I need to put some numbers to the problem and see , remember a 9 1/2'' jet will be more efficient than a 9 1/2" prop on a out board , it might be more like a 11" prop . and this is not a every day thing.
  11. BlueBell
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    BlueBell . . . _ _ _ . . . _ _ _

    About 1200 HP engine will give you about 500 effective HP at the nozzle and might move all that at 4-knots...
  12. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    An empty container would float in a foot of water, but not terribly stable, and subject to a fair bit of windage.
  13. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    The alcohol powered jet canoe, well, no !
  14. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    Reckon anyone who is making their own alcohol (ethanol) would be in breach of some law, with the temptation to turn into laughing water for sale, being too much for many.

  15. BlueBell
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    BlueBell . . . _ _ _ . . . _ _ _

    Here you go:

    Skip to 14:40 for the action.
    What a great little boat!
    This is absurd!
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