Jet boat kits 16 ft outboard

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by Kolo, Aug 24, 2021.

  1. Kolo
    Joined: Aug 2021
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    Kolo Junior Member

    I am looking for a 16ft or even 15ft boat plan for a 60-80hp jet engine with a width of 7ft, center console or full console version.
  2. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    Welcome to the Forum Kolo.

    I am wondering why you have such specific constraints in your Statement of Requirements?
    Can you tell us please what your expectations are for this boat?
    Such as where will it be operating, what sort of sea conditions will it have to be capable of enduring, what speed and range is required, how many crew will it have to be able to safely carry......
    If you elaborate more on what your requirements are, rather than state that you are looking for plans for a very specific boat which might not even exist, then the good folk on here might be able to suggest suitable plans to meet your overall SOR, rather than just focusing on the constraints you mention above.
  3. Kolo
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    Kolo Junior Member

    Thank you for your answer, the specs come from some of the company's boats and some of his experience but it's not that important. The boat is also supposed to look reasonable and I would like to weld it myself for fun. So the boat is supposed to travel about 200 miles on the river, preferably on one tank of fuel. With one or sometimes two people and small gear for fishing, where the minimum depth at this distance is about 60 miles for the main season of 3-4 months is 8-10 inches and sometimes stones, and the remaining distance is an average of 26 inches deep. The crouisng speed is preferably 20-25 mph, maximum 35mph, it is good to also have the slowest sliding speed around 15mph. At the end of this long river distance I have a lake on which I swim 5-10 miles to the hotel to sleep. The one from the link is my favorite I found Iron Aero
  4. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    "I have a lake on which I swim 5-10 miles to the hotel to sleep"

    Really ?
  5. Kolo
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    Kolo Junior Member

    Hello hello again
    I was considering a scooter, but more than once a week I go fishing in my place of residence, so I would have to have a jet boat and a scooter. Because my current two boats are too deep and I have damaged the propeller motor several times. I found this company on Facebook, unfortunately they don't sell boat plans. I thought to buy the drive at Outboard Jets and I can buy the engine in the store, but at the moment there are some shortages.
  6. Kolo
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    Kolo Junior Member

    Yes it's true
  7. Kolo
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    Kolo Junior Member

    Such a boat is also perfect, just where to buy similar plans.
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2021
  8. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    The boat in your YouTube link above appears to be this one -
    FREWZA F14 Jet Drive Outboard Aluminium Pontoon

    This boat from CNC Marine in Australia appears to be pretty close to the boat in the video - however they appear to just sell kits, not plans.
    4500DG - 4.5m Dinghy | CNC Marine Aluminium Boat Kit

    Or maybe a 4.5 m. punt -
    4500PP - 4.5m Planing Punt | CNC Marine Aluminium Boat Kits
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  9. Kolo
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    Kolo Junior Member

    I think that 4500 pp has high sides, it is more for bays, there is no flat end of the bottom but it can be modified a bit.
  10. ondarvr
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    ondarvr Senior Member

    An outboard jet in that size range would have a very difficult time holding enough fuel to go 200 miles.

    You wouldn't be able to take anything but fuel on the boat.

  11. Barry
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    Barry Senior Member

    Cope Marine, Specmar and Metalboatkits have suitable plans
    There are probably others.
    You are better to purchase an engine with the outboard jet attached as it will be cheaper than purchasing a new engine, then the jet leg and removing prop leg that comes with a base engine
    Go 16 if you can deal with the length
    A couple of items to address
    1) The lower the deadrise angle, the faster and more fuel efficient the boat will be for given load condition. This will come at the expense of a harsh ride. This is why you need to define what type of waves that you want to run in.
    A 12 degree hull will be quite harsh in even 2 foot waves.
    2) If you are running extreme shallow water, many OB jet boat manufacturers install a tunnel up to the pump intake which gets the pump intake a few inches higher up the transom. This normally comes with less high speed turning
    ability,( dodging rocks). Coyote in Canada has a unique intake to mitigate this problem and there is a company in the US that has an add on that keeps the engine fixed to the intake but turns just the nozzle. I have have no direct experience w with either of these possible solutions to the steering problem
    If you can let the intake hang about 3 inches below the bottom of the hull, you will gave good steering and I would not bother with the tunnel. Improperly set up tunnels can cause performance issues.
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2021
    Kolo and bajansailor like this.
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