jeanneau microsail

Discussion in 'Sailboats' started by SteveMellet, Mar 8, 2012.

  1. SteveMellet
    Joined: Sep 2009
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    SteveMellet Senior Member

    Hi all,
    Anyone know where I can get the stations / sections for a Jeanneau microsail ? I`m designing a trailer for one, and won`t get far without the hull shape..
  2. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    If you have access to the boat, it is fairly straightforward to take the lines at the places the trailer beds will contact.
  3. SteveMellet
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    SteveMellet Senior Member

    Thanks Gonzo, it would be much easier if the boat weren`t 1500km away from me.. Though I can find a sistership which is only 100km away, and do what you`ve suggested. I`ll follow up that possibility, but if someone has the lines as a pdf or cad file, I could save myself the drive out.
  4. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    Most manufacturers won't disclose full set of lines of their boats.
  5. SteveMellet
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    SteveMellet Senior Member

    Agreed, though Jeanneau hasn`t built one since the early 90`s so I would think they are not guarding the design too carefully.. Although there is a builder in France who has resurrected the design and is building them again. If I wanted to copy their design, I`d just pull a mould off an existing boat - though if I were going to that trouble I`d want to build something faster.. Which I do, actually - the trailer !

  6. gdoug
    Joined: Mar 2012
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    gdoug GD

    Though you dont have the boat you have options. The best thing you can do is make an adjustable trailer. It's not too labor intensive, but without having the actual boat it's the best you can do. Build the supports so that they can be moved around and bolted into place once they're fitted to the boat. Go check out some boat trailers. They all use U-bolts and beams. You can move stuff wherever you want then clamp it down. That's better becuase then you could the same trailer for many boats. Just make sure to get pictures and rough masurements of the hull.
    You want to make sure you dont put the support on a thru-hull or other hardware or non load bearing features under the waterline.
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