Japanese Tsunami Pod (What were they thinking?)

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by welder/fitter, Sep 30, 2011.

  1. welder/fitter
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    welder/fitter Senior Member

    I watched/read this article on Yahoo, today, about a Japanese company that has designed & built a survival pod for tsunamis, earthquakes, etc. . The views of the interior of the pod are minimal, but sufficient to get some idea of the design. That "stripper's pole" in the center seems like a bad idea, to me, as does lack of personal restraints and that, imho, it should be outfitted like a liferaft, complete with rations & distress items. I'm interested in others' opinions.

  2. Ad Hoc
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    Ad Hoc Naval Architect

    It is pointless.

    Generally everyone is given sufficent warning of a tsunamii here, the alert system is excellent. The only poeple that need it would be those who live within a few kms of the epicentre and tsunami itself as they would ahve little or no warning, as the rest have adequate warning and can escape by car!. There in lies the problem..where is the next epicentre??

    Not forgetting to menton that how does the pod ensure the hatch is right way up when you want to open it...ie stability!!...its a sphere :eek:
  3. Percyis

    Percyis Previous Member

    If there are people who can use it effectively, then why is it pointless?

    As a sphere, the occupant can decide which way is up by simply moving within.
  4. Wavewacker
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    Wavewacker Senior Member

    Did ya notice how flemsy that hatch was when it was opened?

    That thing is all about the designer trying to make a buck, not real protection IMO.

    Wonder why it's not something that ten people can get in, just to sell the individually? Oh, more smaller units, less materials, more profit....:rolleyes:

    Maybe it's small enough you can carry it or roll it behind a vehicle when out in the lower countryside; Can you imagine being in that thing, going 30 mph hitting buildings, cars, trees and whatever? Ouch, it's not padded!

    I'll pass.....
  5. whitepointer23

    whitepointer23 Previous Member

    i don't understand why you are saying this when thousands of people died in the tsunami this year. you need to explain a bit better.
  6. viking north
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    viking north VINLAND

    This is an old idea--some 10 to 15 yrs. ago(might have been earlier) a company in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia came up with a similar vehicle only egg shaped to be used as lifeboats on ships and oil rigs. I believe they obtained Canada Transport Cert. and a Can/ US patent, however I'm not sure if they are still in production. Build it and they will come-- :)
  7. Ad Hoc
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    Ad Hoc Naval Architect

    Obviously not clear enough.

    Ok...step by step :eek:

    Please tell me where the next epicentre and subequent tsunami will occur?
  8. Squidly-Diddly
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  9. kach22i
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    kach22i Architect

    The video says it seats four adults, should have stipulated or one American.:D

    From the Wiki link above:
    I rented that movie a few months ago, it was pretty good.

    Everyone getting in their car at the same time driving like mad to save their lives, sounds safe to me.
  10. keysdisease
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    keysdisease Senior Member

    Not if it comes with the appropriate accessory :)


  11. Percyis

    Percyis Previous Member

    That's irrelevant.

    Where will the next typhoon hit and how big will it be? How about the next major flooding episode, or serious fire in a hyper crowded urban environment? Safety functions are not predicated on absolute predictability, but more on the mathematical likelihood of an event.

    On a more personal level, you are surrounded by safety features that are designed to handle events that probably have not happened to you, nor will they ever. Still, you have paid for the research and modification in the price of the product.
  12. welder/fitter
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    welder/fitter Senior Member

    Living in Japan and involved in the design & construction of marine vessels, I appreciate that "Ad Hoc" would have a pretty good idea of the value of an "escape pod". My thoughts were more along the lines of quality of design/construction of the pods being manufactured by the subject company. "Wavewacker" summed up my impressions with his comments. The "sphere on a stick" stability concept of one steel sailboat "designer" would probably help to keep "up" as "up", until the appendage snapped off. Of course, we know that the Brits have had their version ready for decades:

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  13. daiquiri
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  14. Poida
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    Poida Senior Member

    The question really is, why were people killed?

    Is it because they couldn't swim?

    Or they could swim but crushed between rubble?

    So before you work out how to save them, you need to find out what killed them.

    Without that information and looking at the videos, an infatable rubber raft, crash helmets and PFDs installed in houses would be the best deal.

  15. paradoxbox
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    paradoxbox Junior Member

    People killed in the tsunami were either too old or young to run away, or flat out ignored the tsunami warnings.

    I live in Tokyo and we had tsunami warnings immediately after the shaking stopped, or even during the shaking.. People who ignored the warnings got caught by the water, and those too old or too young to escape from low lying places would not benefit from a "tsunami pod" anyway.

    Tsunami warnings are hard to miss..During the big one sirens were blaring everywhere all over the country.
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