Ivermectin in paint prevents barnacles make it yourself.

Discussion in 'All Things Boats & Boating' started by sdowney717, May 28, 2014.

  1. sdowney717
    Joined: Nov 2010
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    sdowney717 Senior Member

    Ivermectin you can buy for use as a bug wormer for animals. It is easy to buy.

    All you need is a small amount put into the paint. Notice only 0.1 % per liter.
    You can buy it in paste form at 1.5% etc...., So for a few dollars you get an safe effective bottom paint.

    here is a paste of 1.87%, also can get it in liquid form.

    Just calculate the dose to 1 gram per liter.
    Now what paint can be used versus buiying a cheap bottom paint and adding Ivermectin?

    Ivermectin large amount pour bottle.


    I think to get sufficient amount of Ivermectin into the paint using these sources as a DIY idea, you would have to use a larger bottle and mix it into a latex type of paint.
    Perhaps the 1000 ml size which is $50 would give you a 5 gram total amount of Ivermectin which is enough for a little over a gallon of bottom paint.

    If you can get this in a higher concentration would be more practical.
  2. rwatson
    Joined: Aug 2007
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    rwatson Senior Member

    Great article, sounds like a great idea.

    Out of interest, I just finished reading that Latex hasnt been used in paint for 30 years.

    The right sort of paint will be important.
  3. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    Is this effective against other kinds of growth, or just barnacles ? Maybe by latex he means Acrylic Latex, or possibly chlorinated rubber even. If the paste is using water, maybe only mixes with a water-thinned paint.
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