ISO 'Wide Beam Canal' Boat Builders in US.

Discussion in 'Boatbuilding' started by Brian Carig, Apr 16, 2021.

  1. shaun Moir
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    shaun Moir Junior Member

    as per @fallguy i will be doing a new thread with the process etc
  2. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    How does the weight compare to steel or aluminum?
  3. shaun Moir
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    shaun Moir Junior Member

    that's a very good question
    Both HDPE and galvanized steel are common materials for pipes and pipe fittings. They also have two similarities: they are both durable and anti-corrosion. These make them popular options for water delivery, such as irrigation. however, HDPE is more lightweight since it is still plastic.

    there are a few companies that currently make HDPE boats these are made for police boats etc (there is a company called
    which make HDPE work boat we took that concept for our barge obviously
  4. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    However, steel pipes need less supports than PVC or HDPE for the same installation. For plumbing that may not be a major issue. For boat construction it is. It surprises me that as the designer/builder you can't answer the question of how much the boat weighs.
  5. shaun Moir
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    shaun Moir Junior Member

    apologies I misread your question I thought you said how it compares to what i was trying to explain
    the simple answer is obviously steel is a lot heavier than HDPE which can be a positive and a negative in regard to floating problems
  6. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    Steel is denser. My question is about the weight of the hull compared to a steel construction.
  7. shaun Moir
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    shaun Moir Junior Member

    the weight of the whole boat without an engine etc was 6tonne
  8. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    Does that include all the interior, hardware, tankage, etc.?
  9. shaun Moir
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    shaun Moir Junior Member

    unfortunately, not this just includes it as a shell as we have not as of yet fully fitted this out
  10. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    That is quite heavy. How do you install an inboard engine and align it? Also, how do you deal with heat in engineroom from propulsion engine, generators, etc.?
  11. comfisherman
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    comfisherman Senior Member

    Someone built an hdpe mini jet up here. Eventually tore the bottom off it and the drive got swapped over to an aluminum hull with a uhmw bottom.

    Great idea for a barge or landing craft or kayak.

    Let me phrase it another way, I utilize boats that have constant contact with gravel bottoms. I'm in the process of updating my fleet. As a consumer there is 0 percent chance I'd consider an hdpe hull. But it will definitely be used to clad high wear areas.
  12. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    I agree that it makes great chafe protection.
  13. Hawk73ku
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    Hawk73ku New Member

    I realize this thread is old. If anyone is still watching, I am curious if a USA manufacturer of longboats exist? I didn't see that answer in the responses. I would like to have a wide beam built but I think I'd like closer to 20 foot wide and 65 foot long. This is wider than the canal boats of Europe but if there isn't a builder here in the USA a European wide beam may be my only option.
  14. fallguy
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    fallguy Boat Builder

    Find a custom build shop. Must be someone east coast that would build to a plan.

  15. DCockey
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    DCockey Participant

    I do not know of anyone who regularly build UK or European style canal boats in North America. There are custom boat builders who could build such a boat but their price would probably be much greater than the UK and European builders who build the boats on a production basis.
    fallguy likes this.
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