ISO 12215:2020

Discussion in 'Class Societies' started by ToMeK, Mar 12, 2021.

  1. ToMeK
    Joined: Nov 2006
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    ToMeK Young naval architect

    Hello everyone,

    Does anyone have any confirmed information on the validity of ISO 12215 rules for structures?

    Does anyone know when is the deadline after which calculations according to old version (2012) will not be accepted any more? What about ISO 12215-5:2019?

    I know that new rules have been published (haven't seen them yet) but also I heard there were some complaints about them.

    Many thanks,


  2. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    In the European version of ISO 12215-5: 2019 it is said that the previous versions will be "withdrawn at the latest by June 2021". In versions for other territories this indication does not appear.
    ISO 12215-5: 2019 is more difficult to handle than the previous ones, it is more technical, more complete, but the user must have greater theoretical knowledge of the calculation of structures. Furthermore, the standard contains errors which indicate how little care the author has taken to achieve something practical. But that's what there is.
    I am finishing a software that will help a lot in the use of this new standard. I hope to be able to offer it in 3 or 4 weeks.
    CocoonCruisers likes this.
  3. ToMeK
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    ToMeK Young naval architect

    Thank you for your answer TANSL. Fast as always :)
    This is the info I have as well, but still no other info. The questions is, since the project is under preliminary phase at the moment, whether to use new or old version. Because I really doubt that prototype will be bulit earlier then then end of year.
  4. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    It all depends on when you are going to present your project to the Administration of your country and, in any case, a consultation with the administration technicians can not be revealing. Of course, using the latest version is not going to cause you problems with them.
    Although my software is not finished, it already calculates many things so, if you are interested, I can send you a copy of what I have and you can see if it is useful for you.
  5. ToMeK
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    ToMeK Young naval architect

    Thank you TANSL, you just confirmed my opinion.
    If possible, that would be great, thank you. :)

  6. JotM
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    JotM Junior Member

    It depends on what you are using the standards for. In private contracts you just settle the version that will be used with the contract.
    When it comes to adherence to the recreational craft directive (RCD), it depends on the dates that have been published with the reference in the Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU). These references are always linked on the website of the EC too.

    See Recreational craft - Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs - European Commission

    There is a summary list with all the dates as a spreadsheet at the bottom of the page.
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