ISO 12215:2019 - Table C.11

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by F83MGM, Dec 15, 2023.

  1. F83MGM
    Joined: Dec 2023
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    F83MGM Junior Member

    First time posting, looking for some assistance!

    Can anyone provide the formulae used in the green cells for Table C.11 in the 2019 version of the standard? Have they changed much compared to the formulae listed in the table C.4a) - E Glass Fibre Mechanical Properties in the 2008 version of the standard?

    It's entirely possible I missed the formulae somewhere in the 2019 standard as well.

    TIA, looking forward to interacting further in this forum.
  2. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    Welcome to this forum.
    The differences, for example in the Youngs modulus, when calculating with the 2008 or 2019 standard, can be greater than 15%.
    There is no human way to exactly reproduce the values shown in the tables in Annex C or Annex H. I contacted the person who is running as the author of the new ISO 12215-5:2019 some time ago to tell him that he could not validate my calculations comparing my results with those of those tables and he answered that he was not satisfied with said tables either. ??????
  3. F83MGM
    Joined: Dec 2023
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    F83MGM Junior Member

    Argh, annoying. Thx for the reply.
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