ISO 12215-10 2020 Update - Scantling aluminum boats

Discussion in 'Class Societies' started by FrancescoRossi, Dec 2, 2021.

  1. FrancescoRossi
    Joined: Oct 2017
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    FrancescoRossi Junior Member

    Hi everyone,
    does someone have experience with the new updated scantling rule?
    I'm about to start two new projects one 45 and one 50 feet aluminum hull
    and i wanted hear from you if someone interested help us with some scantlings reports etc.

    Many thanks
  2. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    Could you send me an email with more details about your projects and what you need for them?. ISO 12215-10 refers only to rigging. My email :
  3. FrancescoRossi
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    FrancescoRossi Junior Member

    Good day TANSL,
    thanks for your message
    My typing mistake I was referring to 12215-5: 2019 in force from June 2021.
    What's needed are the panel scantlings and stiffeners (bottom, side, decks and superstructure) along with a report to present IMCI for file.
    I can share with you the two GA of the boats so you can have a look.
  4. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    Okay, please send me the information you have, I'll take a look at it and we can talk about more concrete things.
  5. Ad Hoc
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    Ad Hoc Naval Architect

    Welcome to the forum Francesco..

    What in particular would you like help with?
    Posting will assist others that may be in a similar situation as you too ...
  6. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    It's pretty clear, don't you think? :
  7. Ad Hoc
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    Ad Hoc Naval Architect

    Well, other posters don't think so:


  8. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

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