is the Furuno RDP-139 10.4" Navnet MFD/Navigation/Radar unit outdated equipment?

Discussion in 'OnBoard Electronics & Controls' started by the brain, Feb 26, 2017.

  1. the brain
    Joined: Sep 2016
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    the brain Senior Member

    is the Furuno RDP-139 10.4" Navnet MFD/Navigation/Radar unit outdated equipment?

    w/ a GPS connected can this unit be used as a chartplooter and also mark my spots?

    w/ a fishfinder connected can this display display the fishfinder?

    been reading a little on raydar still confused on the terminogoloy like sounder/ black box sonar/DFF1

    I understand this display is about 15 years old and proballey doesn't have the lastest map,

    I intend on having local people from the Gulf coast to provide coordinates L/L hopefully I can save as way points and be able to navigate back to these spots.
    so using the older raydar like this I really don't need the latest maps correct?
    Thanks STB

    Thanks STB

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