Is anyone using TouchCAD?

Discussion in 'Software' started by LP, Mar 30, 2012.

  1. LP
    Joined: Jul 2005
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    LP Flying Boatman

    I've downloaded their demo and don't find it expressly intuitive. I've heard some good things about it's panel developement capabilities and would like some input regarding ease of use, cost, applicability to boat design and modeling, etc ...

    I'm deciding how much time to invest in learning to use it.
  2. ludesign
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    ludesign Senior Member

    I for sure use it as my main CAD program for boat design, as well as for lots of other free form modeling tasks. For me it's faster and more elegant than anything else on the market. It not only allows hull fairing and some other panels, I essentially draw all major panels in it, which in some cases can be hundreds if not thousands of panels, unfold and nest them and export the result for cutting. It also provides an integrated bill of material spreadsheet, where it automatically compiles things like weights, center of gravity, surface areas, edge/cutting lengths, and if you so wish material and labor costs.

    The powerboat example, which at present is more of a sketch, took just three working days to build from scratch, including most of the basic interior parts (about 250 panles), generating a 1-1/2 minute HD video presentation, and generation high resolution versions version renderings of the four pictures in an external rendering program called Artlantis.

    Here is a review from Wooden Boat magazine, written by another professional user.

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  3. ludesign
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    ludesign Senior Member

    Here is another quick sketch I made for a magazine. About 1-1/2 to 2 days of work. It was an illustration for an article about renovation an old unloved boat from the sixties.

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  4. SparkyKidd
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    SparkyKidd New Member

    Does anyone know the cost of TouchCAD or where I can get it?

  5. ludesign
    Joined: Aug 2003
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    ludesign Senior Member
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