Interlux 2000/2001 vs. Interlux 3000/3001

Discussion in 'Fiberglass and Composite Boat Building' started by stimulous check, Jul 18, 2009.

  1. stimulous check
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    stimulous check Junior Member

    What are the differences between Interlux 2000/2001 and Interlux 3000/3001 ?
  2. alan white
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    alan white Senior Member

  3. stimulous check
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    stimulous check Junior Member

    Thanks Alan. I see "designed to offer many of the properties of Interprotect 2000 and meets the most restrictive V.O.C. regulations in the country" but I'm not seeing if 3000 has any advantages that 2000 doesn't have (for me who will use a couple gallons and doesn't have to meet VOC regulations) I like the price of 2000 much better!

    Is there any reason I should choose 3000?

  4. alan white
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    alan white Senior Member

    Yeah, you'll always pay more for the more environmentally friendly product that works as well. You ought to wait and get some more comprehensive info from others besides me. I just posted the link because I too was curious. I don't know much about barrier coats, since I am more involved with wood.
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