Interesting "scow bow" on an old Route de Rhum competitor "Ovum"

Discussion in 'Sailboats' started by dsigned, Jun 8, 2018.

  1. dsigned
    Joined: Aug 2017
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    dsigned O.R.C. Hunter

    Ovum (which I believe means "egg" in Latin) is an interesting design by Joris de Carlan from the 1970's that raced in the 2010 Route de Rhum (I think).

    From the blog:
    Le Bateau - Le blog de Du Rhum Pour L'Ovum // Joris de Carlan

    On ne peut pas lui reprocher de manquer d'originalité ! Construit entre 1973 et 1976 sur les bords de la Seine sur des plans personnels ce bateau, baptisé Ovum, est avant tout une histoire de famille. C'est sur ce bateau que Joris tire ses premiers bords.
    Dès l'âge de 16 ans, il en prend la barre que se soit pour des sorties à la journée ou des croisières.
    Ce prototype aux formes originales est robuste, sûr et très puissant. Atypique, il attire le regard des spectateurs, qu'ils soient avertis ou non.

    L'architecte s'est inspiré des scows, bateaux de lac américain pour dessiner celui-ci. Sur le papier, ce bateau est fait pour marcher gité au prés. Il engage son aileron sous le vent dans la vague ce qui augmente la longueur de flottaison et donc par la même occasion, la vitesse de carène.

    My own (possibly bad translation):

    "You can't say it's unoriginal! Built between 1973 and 1976 on the banks of the Seine from self-made plans, the boat, christened "Ovum", is first and foremost a story about family. It was on this boat that Joris took his first tacks.

    From the age of 16, he took the helm for day trips and crossings alike. This prototype with unique lines is robust, stable and very fast. With its unusual looks, it attracts attention from spectators (good or bad).

    The designer drew inspiration from American lake scows to create Ovum. On paper, the boat is made to for a walk in the meadows [tr. note. I'm not entirely sure what this is supposed to suggest. That it sails comfortably?]. The wing engages in wind and wave which augments the waterline length and therefore at the same time, the hull speed. "

    It's been a while since I've exercised my French muscles, so apologies if the translation isn't up to snuff (I did use Google translate to help with some of the idioms).

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  2. Dolfiman
    Joined: Aug 2017
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    Dolfiman Senior Member

    I can propose this translation :
    Intentionally ("on the paper" means what was aimed when at the drawing table), the boat is designed for upwind sailing with heel. She inserts the leeward wing in the wave (I think that means the bow wave attached to the hull), which has the effect to increase the waterline lenght and therefore the hull speed.

    Some nautical idioms in French >> English :
    marcher au près >> to sail upwind
    vent de travers >> beam reaching
    au portant >> downwind
    vent arrière >> rear wind

    Original for sure !!! Here we can see the hull and its bow :
    Album - Chantier-au-Leguee - Le blog de Du Rhum Pour L'Ovum // Joris de Carlan

    In Route du Rhum 2010, she hitted a floating object >>> wing damage and water entry, was forced to abandon.
    Le pourquoi de la voie d'eau - Le blog de Du Rhum Pour L'Ovum // Joris de Carlan
    Doug Lord likes this.
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