Interesting charts and maps

Discussion in 'All Things Boats & Boating' started by BPL, Jan 21, 2013.

  1. BPL
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  2. BPL
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  3. daiquiri
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    daiquiri Engineering and Design

    The first word which came to my mind was - beautiful!!! :)
  4. Number4

    Number4 Previous Member

  5. BPL
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    BPL Senior Member


    Wouldn't it be great if they extended the animated wind map to cover the globe.

    Some uncorrected NGA charts are free at
    too now (NA, Western Africa, Mediterranean, Black Sea, Eastern Asia, South Eastern Russia, Philippines)

    Too bad "At the direction of NGA, NOAA is no longer able to provide thumb nail access to the following NGA nautical charts regions: #2 Central, South America; #3 UK, Iceland, Greenland, Western Europe; #4 Scandinavia, Northern Russia; #6 Eastern Africa, Southern Asia; #7 Australia, New Zealand, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea; #8 South Pacific Islands; and #10 Miscellaneous."
  6. Number4

    Number4 Previous Member

    Great thread!
    Here are some maps of towns designed by the greatest military engineer of all time, and father to modern engineer troops, or "sappers".
    (Who are of course the most important soldiers in a General's army).
    Marechal Sébastien Le Prestre de Vauban.

    Attached Files:

  7. michael pierzga
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    michael pierzga Senior Member

    Unfortunately I dont have access to a powerful internet connection and am not able to learn World Wind.

    NASA WORLD WIND is a good program to download and learn. Check on the World Wind USERS Forum.

    Dust storm Canary Islands.

  8. BPL
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  9. philSweet
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  10. BPL
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  11. Number4

    Number4 Previous Member

  12. BPL
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    BPL Senior Member

    Today I tried Bing Maps to look at Florida's coastline. Bing has a new Bird's Eye view that shows aerial views from four different angles. It can rotate the aerial N, S, E, W by 90 degrees and you can see each side of the buildings.

    How are they doing this? Is it four different satellite photos all perfectly corrected? Or is it some new stereoscopic way of taking the satellite photo pass?

  13. tomas
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    tomas Senior Member

    Google also does this in more detail for certain areas (they keep adding).
    Look at the Waikiki marina in Hawaii or Marina Del Ray in California and zoom in, for example.

    When you see those views in 90 degree increments, those are aerial photos, not satellite images.
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