Input wanted on using ash for wooden boat frames instead of oak

Discussion in 'Materials' started by AwJees, Nov 17, 2021.

  1. AwJees
    Joined: Aug 2021
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    AwJees President of He-Man Woman Haters Club

    Im building a 22 foot Carolina Dory ,plywood on frame. I was going to use white oak for the frames, but before I proceed I would like some input on using ash for the frames. Ash is similar to White Oak but is not a rot resistant wood. What if the ash is encapsuated with epoxy ? Doesnt that eliminate for the most part the rot issue? Im using Meranti plywood for the skin and I would like to use epoxy encapsulated ash for the frames. It would save alot of cash. Anyone with experience or knowledge please reply.
  2. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    Ash is a really good wood for steam bending. It was traditionally used for framing and areas that took a lot of abuse. Wisconsin has an overabundance of ash thanks to the borer beetles.
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  3. Rumars
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    Rumars Senior Member

    Give the ash 3 coats of epoxy and a few coats of paint, then keep up on the paint. Paint protects the epoxy, epoxy protects the wood. Works as long as the system is intact.
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  4. AwJees
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    AwJees President of He-Man Woman Haters Club

    Thank you
  5. fallguy
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    fallguy Boat Builder

    I really am a fan of ash, but I would avoid using in a planned wet bilge.

    It will take epoxy better.

    Unless you WILL do 3 coats; stick with white oak. Make sure the wood edges are also not sharp and fill all defects with thickened epoxy before coatings.
  6. waikikin
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  7. rangebowdrie
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    rangebowdrie Senior Member

    Yep, applicable for any material. but especially wood;
    "An unbroken layer of paint is the first line of defense".
  8. hoytedow
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    hoytedow Carbon Based Life Form

    Anybody know steam bending characteristics of black locust it would last well in a wet bilge.

  9. fallguy
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